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Keep It REAL Coaching Tips

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

POSTED: May 14, 2024
Picky eaters. We all know one. Maybe we are one. Or we once were. Almost every single day, we hear “I don’t like _________.”  You can fill in the blank with all kinds of things such as mushrooms, ...

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

POSTED: May 7, 2024
Do you feel like you are constantly bombarded with conflicting messages about protein? It seems like protein has recently taken on a “superfood” status.  You will find no shortage of ...

Why to Include Fennel in Your REAL Food Routine!

POSTED: April 30, 2024
The past few weeks, we have talked about the importance of eating a wide variety of plants, including LOTS of vegetables and fruits.  Plus, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, herbs and spices! ...

Ask Us Anything #2!

POSTED: April 23, 2024
A few weeks ago, we shared a coaching tip to answer some of the questions we are frequently asked. Thanks to your responses, we are answering some more questions we have been hearing recently. ...

Why We Should All Be Eating Buddha Bowls!

POSTED: April 16, 2024
Did you read our coaching tip last week? Did the thought of eating 30 different varieties of plants every week seem overwhelming? To keep you inspired and motivated to enjoy a wide variety of ...

These May Be the Most Important Things to Count!

POSTED: April 9, 2024
Do you count numbers as part of your diet? Some people count calories.  Others count carbs, sodium, fat, or added sugars. We know there are situations where it might be helpful to track these ...

Could This Be the Best Ever Breakfast Casserole?

POSTED: April 1, 2024
Welcome to April! This week, we were inspired to share a new breakfast casserole recipe with you! The inspiration for this came from a social media post we saw about this crazy fast and easy ...

Why We Should All Eat with the Seasons

POSTED: March 26, 2024
It’s official…spring is here!   What do you most look forward to this time of year?   For some, it may be the warmer temperatures.  For others, the blooming trees and the greening ...

Stock Your Pantry with Keys to Success Staples!

POSTED: March 19, 2024
As you are embracing your REAL food journey, there is one area that may need a little help and renovation… the kitchen pantry! The pantry has a funny way of accumulating items that never ...

No Fail Smoothies

POSTED: March 12, 2024
How often do you make smoothies? Do you make the same one over and over, or do you change it up to enjoy different flavor combinations? Smoothies can be a delicious – and nutritious – ...