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No More Intimidation!

Picture it…

the perfect poached egg with a runny yolk and perfectly set egg white.

Your fork slices through it and the yolk magically coats your toast, roasted or sautéed vegetables, pasta, or burger.




Several years ago, we thought poached eggs were something only a trained chef could do, so we only enjoyed them when we went out for breakfast or brunch.


Does this sound like you?


Are you intimidated by the thought of poaching an egg?

Maybe it just seems like too much work, so you don’t enjoy them as often as you would like.  We want to share a couple tricks to make poached eggs crazy-easy!


Poaching just a few!

If you are poaching just a few eggs at a time, here is a super-simple way to get fantastic results:

  1. Use a pot or skillet with a lid that can hold 1.5″ to 2″ of water.  It should be at least 8″ wide, or at least 12″ if you are preparing more than 4 eggs.
  2. Bring the 1.5″ to 2″ of water to a simmer.
  3. While the water is coming to a simmer, crack the eggs individually into small bowls or ramekins (or measuring cups will also work).  If you are really quick at cracking eggs (without breaking the yolk), you can also try your luck with cracking them directly into the water.
  4. Once the water is at a simmer, working close to the water, quickly slip each egg into the water.  So each egg has equal cooking time, try to remember the order in which the eggs went into the water.
  5. When all the eggs are in the water, turn off the heat and cover.  Let them sit in the water for 3-5 minutes, depending on how you like them and how many eggs you are preparing.  We often do 2 eggs at a time and find 3 minutes to be the perfect cooking time (for set whites and runny yolk).
  6. Once the eggs are done, use a slotted spoon to remove them (in the order in which they went into the water) and if desired, place them on plate until ready to serve.
  7. Serve and enjoy!


Poaching for a crowd!

You can use the method above for up to 10-12 eggs, but obviously, it gets trickier the more eggs you are preparing.  If you are preparing more than 6 eggs, try the muffin pan method!  All you need is a muffin pan, an oven…and eggs, of course!


IMG_3040Here’s how to do it:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grease a muffin/cupcake pan with olive oil or cooking spray.
  3. Pour 1 Tbsp of water in each opening you are using.
  4. Crack one egg in each opening (use as few as 2 or up to 12).
  5. Sprinkle each egg with a dash of salt and pepper, if desired.
  6. Bake for 13-15 minutes.  (Cooking time will depend on your oven…we have found 13 minutes is just right for our oven…the yolk is runny and the white is set.)
  7. Remove from the oven and use a slotted spoon to loosen the eggs and gently place them on a plate.  (If desired, place on a paper towel-lined plate first to absorb any remaining water.)

NOTE:  The water may make your eggs look like they are not completely cooked, but after 13-15 minutes, they should be poached.


IMG_3042That’s all there is to it!

No more excuses for not enjoying poached eggs at home!

There are many great ways to enjoy poached eggs — here are just a few ideas:

Poached Egg with Savory Oatmeal

Polenta Bowl with Spinach, Chicken Sausage and Poached Egg

Sweet Potato Hash with EOT (Egg on Top)

Seared Scallions with Poached Egg


Are Eggs Really Healthy?

Eggs have been considered a “villain” the past several decades after scientists decided that cholesterol in our food was bad for us.  That thinking is now changing and many consider eggs to be “the perfect food” because there are so many nutrients jam-packed into such a small package.  Our Don’t Fear the Yolk coaching tip provides more information.


Egg Prep 101

Since eggs are such a delicious and nutritious REAL food, we wanted to provide a quick refresher on some very simple ways to prepare eggs:

  • Springtime Veggie Bi Bim Bop-Eat-Real-AmericaOver-easy:  grease a skillet (with a little olive oil or butter if desired) over medium high heat.  When it’s hot, crack an egg (without breaking the yolk) into the skillet.  When the white is set, but the yolk is still runny (about 5 minutes), carefully flip the egg and cook the other side for 30 seconds to one minute.


  • Sunny side up:  this version is cooked exactly like the over-easy version, but with no flip.  Instead, you cover the skillet while cooking.  Grease a skillet (with olive oil or butter if desired) over medium high heat. When it’s hot, crack an egg (without breaking the yolk) into the skillet.  Reduce the heat to low and cover and cook for 5 minutes until white is set and yolk is just beginning to thicken.


  • Scrambled:  one of the most common ways to cook eggs.  Beat two eggs in a small bowl with a whisk or fork.  Add 2 Tbsp of milk or water (if desired), along with a dash of salt and pepper and stir until combined.  Grease a skillet (with olive oil or butter if desired) over medium high heat.  When the skillet is hot, add the eggs and gently stir and fold eggs until cooked through and no liquid remains.


  • Hard-boiled:  there are many suggested ways to prepare hard-boiled eggs, including the old-fashioned “boil eggs for 15 minutes, rinse in cool water, crack and peel when cool.”  A more modern version works just as well and is just as easy…maybe easier.  Place eggs in a single layer in a saucepan and cover with water (at least one inch over the eggs).  Bring the water to a boil over high heat.  Once boiling, turn off the heat and cover.  Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 10-12 minutes (up to 15 minutes for extra large eggs).  Rinse eggs with cold water and let cool completely before cracking and peeling.


  • Soft-boil:  to soft boil an egg means you don’t want the yolk set quite as hard as the traditional hard-boiled egg.  You can cook the eggs exactly like the hard-boiled version, but simply reduce the cooking time in the hot water.  You can reduce the time to 5-7 minutes, depending on how you would like the yolk.


  • Frittata:  similar to an omelette or crustless quiche, a frittata is an egg-based Italian dish.  The great thing about frittatas is they can be made with meat such as bacon or sausage, or are delicious in a meatless version using your favorite vegetables!  We love using sweet potatoes, spinach, cherry tomatoes, or zucchini…the possibilities are endless!  Simply sauté your veggies and meat, add eggs, lightly beaten, and bake until the eggs are set!


One of the most important things to remember about eggs…

they are not just for breakfast!

Eat REAL America has some incredibly flavorful meal ideas to enjoy eggs any time of the day — try these ideas and see what you think!








Do you have simple tricks to poaching an egg?

What is your favorite way to prepare and enjoy eggs?  We would love to hear your ideas!







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