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When You Can’t Contain Your Excitement Any Longer!

Your stories are so inspiring…

whenever we see Eat REAL America members at lunch-and-learns, other events or just out-and-about, they are always eager to tell us about something exciting that has happened to them or their family!

Sometimes, it’s a meal they recently made that their whole family enjoyed…just the other day, someone told us how much their family loved the Surprise Spaghetti Bolognese.

IMG_3251Other times, it’s a habit they have changed for the better…a member recently told us about her soda habit that she has kicked to the curb for over two months!  Another was so excited about her new habit of shopping at the farmers’ market and all the incredible food she was discovering!

We especially love it when we see someone who is bursting at the seams to tell us how much weight they have lost or how much better they feel.  And we ABSOLUTELY love running into someone we haven’t seen in a few months and they look super-healthy and happy!  When we ask what has changed, the response is always something like…

I have just been more focused on eating REAL food!

At a recent event, Zonya demonstrated how to make a great-tasting simple kale salad by including the important step of massaging the kale.  When she told the audience this was the secret to make kale taste amazing, one non-believer said “it’s not possible!”  A few minutes later, as the samples were being devoured, the skeptical gentleman said “You don’t know how much I want to hate this salad, but it is really delicious!”

At a recent class with a local high school, one of the students said “learning how to enjoy REAL food was even better than when the Veterinarian brought in the puppies!”

Better than puppies?  WOW!  What a great story!

These encounters are so exciting and inspiring — we love hearing your stories!

With Eat REAL America members now spread throughout the country, it is more difficult to get the in-person interaction with everyone (although we are considering some ideas to change that)!  We know there are many more great stories we don’t get to hear about because we simply aren’t in the same cities.

So, here’s your chance!

We want to hear from you!

Please tell us one thing (or more) you are excited to share!  This is not the time to be humble and not the time to hold back…we want to hear about a success you are experiencing, no matter how big or small!

Just take 60 seconds and send us a quick note…e-mail us at, or if you are feeling creative, send us a video!


Please share your challenges too…

If we hear several members are dealing with the same challenges, we will help come up with a solution!

We are incredilby thankful you are part of the Eat REAL America community.  We hope you feel like this is a place where you can share you successes, challenges and whatever is on your mind when it comes to enjoying the taste, nutrition and all the other immense benefits REAL food has to offer!


We can’t wait to hear your good news!



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