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Try this Delicious Way to Simplify Your Mornings

Have you noticed that oatmeal cups have recently become a “thing”?!


We have been experimenting and have found that oatmeal cups can be absolutely delicious and help revolutionize your breakfast routine…

Baked oatmeal cups are similar to a muffin (although WAY more healthy than any muffin you will find at the store or on your way to the office), easy to grab-and-go, and can be customized to your favorite flavors!

Whether you are an oatmeal lover or not, these cups will leave you happy and satisfied!  (And relieved you were able to have a delicious oatmeal treat without standing over the stove!)

Why is oatmeal a nutritious choice?

Oats are among the world’s most nutritious grains!  Oatmeal is a minimally processed whole-grain food, which means it’s loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber…much more so than other processed grains.  Eating oatmeal for breakfast is an excellent way to nourish your body with an optimal balance of calories, protein and fat — it’s a great fuel to start the day!

Oatmeal is also a ideal source for healthy carbohydrates.  It’s these healthy complex carbs that aid in weight maintenance because their high fiber content helps regulate your blood sugar, while helping you feel full longer.  That’s in addition to the fact that oats are one of the best cholesterol sponges around, keeping your blood cholesterol level down.

An oat is an oat is an oat!

It can be confusing at the store because there are so many different types of oats to choose from…old-fashioned, rolled, steel cut, instant, quick-cooking, oat flour, among others.  But, don’t be confused or intimidated!  The differences really just relate to how the oats have been cut and processed.

With oats, the processing doesn’t remove all the good nutrients, it just affects the texture and prep time.  Keep in mind, all oats start their lives as a “groat.”  Groats are the result of the grain being harvested, cleaned and the inedible hull removed.  These groats are then processed to become other varieties of oats, such as steel cut oats, rolled oats, and quick or instant rolled oats.  For more info on different types of oats, see our coaching tip.


Yes, oats are gluten free.  But WAIT – you have to be careful because some oats are processed or grown near wheat where they can be contaminated…potentially making them NOT gluten free.  So, make sure to read the label if you are looking for true “gluten free” oats.

How do you make oatmeal cups?

All you need to do is prepare ahead of time, even the night before, and simply mix up the batter, bake in muffin cups, let cool and store the oatmeal cups in the refrigerator.  Then, in the morning, you can warm the oatmeal cups for a few seconds in the microwave and you are on your way!

These oatmeal cups also freeze perfectly and can be easily thawed by placing in the refrigerator the night before or quickly thaw and warm in the microwave before devouring!  Check out the recipe for Baked Oatmeal Cups!


The flavor combinations are endless!


  • Mixed berries and walnuts
  • Apple Cranberry
  • Blueberry Almond
  • Dried apricots and hazelnuts
  • Cherry Dark chocolate
  • Mango Almond
  • Pineapple Coconut
  • Strawberry Banana
  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Plus, whatever you can dream up!  Get creative…add mushrooms or leftover grilled veggies for a savory version!

We know breakfast can feel challenging, but with just a few minutes of planning, you can have delicious, healthy, grab-and-go options at your fingertips!  We have you covered with some delicious ideas on Eat REAL America:

Think how much better your day will be if you start it off right with a fantastic-tasting, nutritious breakfast that is ready to grab and go!  Because don’t we all need a little “easy” to start off our day?!

Please share with us…what is your favorite oatmeal cup flavor combination?  Or, what are your go-to healthy breakfast ideas?




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