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Win a Free Eat REAL T-Shirt!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We hope all of you are celebrating this “holiday of love” with your loved ones – and, of course, some delicious and nutritious REAL food!

You know how much we love the Eat REAL America community, so, we want to give our own gift to you this Valentine’s Day.


Eat REAL T-Shirts!



Yes, they are now available for anyone and everyone to order!

And that’s not all!

We are giving away 3 t-shirts to a few lucky people

keep reading for how to get your chance at winning!

You have probably seen Zonya or me wear these shirts in one of our cooking demos or videos.  Many of you have asked “where can I buy the “EAT REAL” shirts?”

Great news!

We are now making them available – order here!  They are available in sizes from S to 2XL and in green, gray, orange and red.

Now, we want to be clear, we are NOT in the t-shirt business and have no desire to be in the t-shirt business.  (And we have no financial interest in these t-shirts.)  Our solution to making these shirts available was to partner with a great local Wichita, KS business (Wicked Stitch) who IS in the t-shirt business, and they have offered to take care of the ordering, production and fulfillment process.



So, what is behind the design of the “EAT REAL” shirt?

We know we live in a world where there are so many confusing messages about how to be healthy. 

Conflicting messages about what you should and should not eat, and which diet is best — it is enough to make your head spin and say, “I give up!” 

Along our REAL food journey, we discovered and continue to believe there is one very simple message…EAT REAL FOOD.

And, for that reason the front of our shirt has that one simple message, and actually even simpler…EAT REAL.



And the back?

The back of the shirt has the message “Get Out of the Box!” because that is what we literally had to do.   And we have seen so many of you do the same!

We had to get out of the routine of eating boxes of highly processed foods and focus on REAL ingredients and REAL food.  Of course, not all foods that come in a box are bad (whole grains and dried fruits are examples of boxed foods that are part of a REAL food lifestyle).  But let’s face it, many boxed foods found at the store are just edible food-like substances…and are NOT REAL food.

We also wanted a message that is positive and inspiring – which is why we steered away from something like, “Don’t Eat Crap!”  

Our gift to you — we are giving away 3 free t-shirts!


What’s the catch?

There is none!

For your chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment to this coaching tip (below) and tell us about the results you have achieved by focusing on REAL food.

Maybe you have lost weight, or discontinued one or more medications, or increased your energy, or just feel better than you did before.  Maybe it even helped your marriage or your faith thrive (yes, we have heard that from some Eat REAL America members)!  Whatever it is, just please share it in the comments below.

Next Tuesday, we will randomly pick three winners to receive a free t-shirt!  We will contact the winners to get your desired color, size and mailing address.



Thank you to all of you for your support, encouragement and inspiration!  At the risk of sounding cheesy, we truly LOVE all of you —

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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43 Responses to Win a Free Eat REAL T-Shirt!

  1. This is my 5th go around with Eat Real America and each time I pick up some new tips and habits that I have continued to use throughout my daily life. The stories motivate me and remind me that small progress is still progress.

  2. I’m a recipe hoarder and love browsing for new things to try. Eat Real America has so many delicious options to choose from!

  3. This is the easiest way and healthiest way for your body to absorb the nutrients from the real food you will ever try. I feel it is the way the country use to eat way back before our settlers did. Eat from the ground and you will feel and look your best. Get outside and walk along with eating real and watch yourself transform to a healthier you! 🙂 I love this way of eating and will never go back to processed foods. You have to cook anyway, so why not give this a try. No regrets is my moto. Make it yours too!

  4. I’m excited that you have made these t-shirts available!!

    I am finding that Eating Real is where it is all at! My life has changed so much since May of 2022 when I came across Zonya on YouTube. I joined her DietFree Deep Dive Course where I’ve lost 31 pounds! Following that course, I joined the Inner Circle group and now the Eat Real Weight Loss Intensive Course.

    WOW, My life has changes soooo much from mostly eating out, drinking Diet Coke and lots of ultra process foods to now cooking at home, no ultra processed foods in the house, changes Diet Coke and XS Energy Drink for bai or waterloo and then mostly water or unsweet tea!

    I still have a lot of weight to loose; however I’m amazing that last Fall I was able to go biking again and then I found a new sport, Pickleball which I’m loving playing on a weekly bases!

    Zonya and Krista, I have such a full heart of Gratitude that God has allowed our paths to cross. (Krista, one day I look forward to meeting you in person) My life is forever impacted by both of you using your gifts and talents to bless, educate and enrich some many lives. 💟

  5. i love trying new recipes, and if they get me to eat a little better then its a win-win! I love the site and the weekly menu that comes to my e-mail.

  6. When I Eat Real, I feel lighter on my feet! (And I’ve only lost 5 lbs, so that can’t be the difference!”) Boxed food” just gives the feeling of weighing you down and making you sluggish.

  7. I enjoy all the different recipes you put out. I haven’t tried them all, but those I have tried have been delicious. Recently we tried the tortilla pizzas with our grandkids. They liked being able to make their own pizzas.

    • We have been Eating Real for 6 years now! It has become such a habit that when we backslide and eat junk food our bodies immediately object and crave healthy food. We have also found new foods that we didn’t know we liked 🙂 I believe eating this way has halped us keep our weight down.

  8. I am here to testify that the Eat Real program has changed our lives for the better since the day we signed up for classes at Morris Hospital three years ago. The delicious recipes keep us happy and satisfied while your tips and information help us make better choices for a healthier life. Keep up the great work, Krista and Zonya! You inspire us!

  9. The recipes are so awesome! They encourage you to try out some foods that you were not familiar with and they even TASTE GOOD!!!

  10. This is the first eating program that I/we have done that my husband is actually interested in and is liking the recipes. Thank goodness! He takes a lot of medication and we are hoping he can reduced the amount and eventually stop taking most of them.Thanks so much for all the hard work you and your staff do to put these programs together for all of us!

  11. We all cringe at the word diet. Especially men, my husband is no exception. He had his recent blood panel and cholesterol was high. Of course not the good one. After seeing video on YouTube and your experience in cardiac office he was willing to do it. Your recipes are in my wheel house and we love fresh food any way. We moved to Western Kentucky recently and the majority of restaraunts are BBQ with fried sides, fast food, or Southern Comfort Foods. They all have a time and place but not too often.
    There’s one thing I’d like to see and that is a recipe contest.

  12. I love that I have figured out I love sweet potatoes and veggie noodles instead of boxed noodles! i actually prefer them. I also love the website for recipes.

  13. The food is delicious. Love the recipes and the combination of some of the ingredients. What a surprise! Thank you Krista and Zonya.

  14. This is my first time joining Zonya for an Eat Real Intensive! It is so fun learning about healthy food to eat and a lifestyle that helps me to be the best I can be. I have seen what diabetes, atherosclerosis, eating wrong foods can do to people. I want to be healthy for my family! Thanks Eat Real folks Zonya,Krista and helpers!

  15. Zonya and Krista’s websites, videos and recipes have been so helpful in changing my attitude about the foods I want to put in my body. I’m slowly eliminating highly processed and fast foods, preferring whole real food. I’m surprised that I really don’t even want to eat some of it anymore, so I don’t feel deprived. I’ve lost 20 pounds and have kept it off 2 years. Preventing diseases and just being healthier is my main reward! Thanks!!

  16. I am really enjoying Zonya’s Eat Real program – and I’m getting my husband involved too! It really makes a difference if you are both on the same page. So far everything we’ve made has been delicious!

  17. Loving the Eat Real Program! It has so many tips, educational resources, and videos as well as weekly meal plans and recipes. Saving recipes to try on the site and later utilizing the shopping list for the recipes is great!! Dinner will never be boring again with all of these recipes.! I plan to follow the 28 day real food quick start during the Eat Real class to help my family get started eating “Real”!!
    Kathi Noe

  18. Started following Zonya 2 years ago and I’ve taken every class available. Eating Real Food has helped me maintain a 20 lbs weight-loss for 18 months.
    It has also helped me shop and serve healthy whole real food to my family and friends. It’s now a lifestyle. Thank you Zonya and Krista!

  19. I’ve followed Zonya since the late 1990s when our Hillsdale ISD Wellness Committee had her speak at out “Back to School” meetings and other events. I have a signed “Lickety Split Meals” Cookbook from by husband. He fondly nicknamed her Tonya Taco…lol. I’ve been spreading the word, giving gift memberships, and enjoying real food for 20+ years. I’m almost 79 years old and in pretty darn good shape in fitness and health. Thank you so much for the long time inspiration Zonya & Krista!

  20. I love everything about Eat Real America!
    There are so many wonderful recipes and helpful tips to really make a difference in our well being!
    The cookbook (and Zonya’s too!) are on my counter and so easy to use ! Our grandchildren love the Easy Peasy Cheeseburger Macaroni! I could go on and on…. Thank you for all the work that goes into creating this excellent website! At 75, I’m enjoying a renewed interest in creating and serving healthy real food that tastes terrific and is beautiful to look at!

  21. I love Eat Real America! I have the cookbooks and love them. I am currently going through the seminar and have learned so many great things……some things I knew and got a reminder of the importance of eating healthy food. I have not been able to be in the ZOOM meetings yet. I never miss a replay! I live out and our internet is being upgraded; therefore, I am doing what I need to do to get the tips and information. Thank you for your website, seminars, cookbooks and helping me to get back to healthy cooking and eating. I am 75 and want to live a long, healthy life. I would love to win a tshirt but fully intend to budget for one. Again, thank you for many new recipes and all the helpful tips I am learning!!

  22. I first started my journey with Zonya is 2018. With her help, I lost nearly 100 pounds, dropped my cholesterol 60 points, learned about real food and healthy eating habits. Unfortunately, life happens and good habits go by the wayside. I am on this journey again! Thank you, Zonya, for believing in me. Much love to you and Krista!

  23. I first started my journey with Zonya is 2018. With her help, I lost nearly 100 pounds, dropped my cholesterol 60 points, learned about real food and healthy eating habits. Unfortunately, life happens and good habits go by the wayside. I am on this journey again! Thank you, Zonya, for believing in me. Much love to you and Krista!

  24. Education is the key element in Eat Real. I took a nutrition class in college and knew some good things about eating healthy. But just did’nt know how to put it all together. I happened to find Zonya on Youtube and was hooked. This is my second class and I have to say the more you know, the more you do.
    Thanks Zonya and Krista for doing the hard work so that I can do my homework. It does take teamwork sometimes to eat through transition.

  25. Eat Real America is absolutely wonderful with great recipes for down-to-earth, healthy & filling food. I just need to tame my sweet tooth!

  26. I love this website and cookbook! I have a hiatal hernia and as a result have had to completely change the way I eat and cook. In an effort to avoid surgery and taking PPI’s for the rest of my life I instead decided to tackle it with a lifestyle change and avoiding processed foods is a big part of it. The Eat Real website and recipes have made this so much easier and given me options that are delicious, easy and make me feel good!

  27. Sew excited your getting T-shirts
    I love watching yours and Zonya’s videos while I am doing my morning bike ride.
    I have tried a few recipes and love them and looking forward to trying lots more.
    Eating real is a game changer and is making a big difference in my life. Thanks to both of you and all your team for making this possible.

  28. My husband and I sincerely appreciate Zonya’s classes and the Eat Real web site. We have improved our diet listening to Zonya’s advice, even though we ate healthy before being introduced to Eat Real. There are so many easy, quick, delicious and new recipes to try.

    Thank you Zonya for your fun informative video’s and introducing many new dishes to us!!!

  29. I love to Eat Real however I didn’t know how to prepare all the delicious REAL foods out there so it was just easier to eat ‘prepared, and processed foods’ :-(. Thanks to Zonya and her team, I’ve met her challenges and I also have a great resource with Now I know how to easily prepare Real food and Real food tastes SO MUCH BETTER than ‘that other stuff’ 🙂 Thanks Zonya, Scott, Krista, Debbie, etc!!

  30. After reading all the comments, I think they all deserve a free t shirt. Especially since my thoughts aren’t nearly as uplifting. BUT,,,, just let me say, this eating REAL FOOD makes me happy…Don’t really understand the principle behind this but it’s true. I’m not looking for any quick weight loss any more, I know eventually it will happen. Probably would happen a lot sooner if I was better at portion control. I just wasn’t expecting everything to be so yummy. My daughter, Amy, is helping with that. Having a partner in this makes it fun.

  31. Real Food just tastes better! We all have heard, “if it taste good, spit it out” many times that is what we hear from our doctors. When foods are not camouflaged their true taste come through and are more enjoyable! The added bonus is lower sodium, lower sugar, and lower fat content.

  32. I don’t know where to begin. I’m grateful God had me woke late on night and I felt to turn on YouTube and this is how I was introduced to this wonderful Certified Nutritionist named Zonya Foco. I wanted a way to lower my cholesterol naturally, since the statins did not work for me, they gave me terrible cramps in back and thighs, my cholesterol November 2022 had only dropped 1 point from 230 to 229 and my Dr was happy,, because she has never seen a drop in over a decade and this is before I started your weight loss program. I’m excited because I get to see my Dr in another month and I know in my heart,, the LDL and total cholesterol will be lowered.. I have 2 blood pressure monitored at home and what use to be 158 / 85, is now ranging normal : in fact today’s BP: 129/79 and it has never been in the 120’s or the 70’s in years!!!

    OMG!!! I’m so excited, there’s more, I don’t have a scale at home, it broke a year ago and haven’t replaced it yet, but what I noticed is…my favorite pair of jeans use to be tight and I would have to suck my tummy in some just to get the button fastened and lay on the bed to zippen them up….drum rolls please!!!🥰 I put those jeans on last Sunday without having to unbutton them and the same for taking them off. My mouth fell open, in amazement, they fit, but not tight, and I had a layer of tights underneath , so now I’m in a lose fitting pair of jeans like never before 👏👏👏💃🏽💃🏽
    I have more energy now. Before starting this awesome lifestyle of eating real foods, I was tired and sleepy and in pain, aching in my joins all the time. Now, I feel like I have I’m alive and I have stamina to do the things I need and want to do, including moving without pain and dancing to my favorite gospel praise music. I even smile more now🥰 I could go on and on…since I’m eating plenty of salads daily and less meats, my #2’s now float and my doctor told meong time ago, if I would eat my fiber foods, to watch my poop, because when ot floats, I’m taking in a good daily dose of fiber, but if it sinks like a submarine, then I’m too impacted with junk and less fiber foods. Well, I’m here to tell ya, this golden girl is getting her fiber in…😂🤣 She’s floating like a dream…lol.

    My skin is healthier, especially my face., My ankle swelling had gone down and so has my hands. Oh how grateful I am for this Eat Real CookBk…I never knew I could tenderize greens without cooking them to death…literally. But, when I made the massage kale salad, my, my ,my, it felt like love at first bite❣😋❤❤

    I can’t waite to visit my drs office to get on the scale and to have my cholesterol rechecked by CBC blood drawing. I use to dread doing to the drs office…my Dr is going to be amazed and so happy for me, because the whole team was very concerned about my high cholesterol, she told me, she me to cut back on saturated meat some how and she was disappointed that my body was rejecting 3 different statin drugs…they pained my muscles sooo badly, it felt worse than having labor pain and I’m not kidding.

    So, you see this Eat Real Food Cooked, the Lickety-Split Meals Cookbk, and the website….I’m in it to Win it for live!!
    This was my dear Mother’s desire for me before she died of a massive heart attack, to be able to get the extra weight off of God’s temple, which I haven’t been a good steward over, but thanks to what you amazing Queen Ladies are doing, I just want you; Zonya and Krista to know, you have helped to save my life. I can finally break the generational curse from my family tree because of your wise, eat real food nutrition lifestyle.

    I had many tears of sadness over many years with losing my dear Grandmother’s; Bertha and Bessie, both to Massive Heart Attacks, when I was still in elementary school, them my Father had 2 strokes, 1 left him paralyzed on his rt side, then he layer passed away from a heart attack in January 1986 , while I was 7 months pregnant with my baby girl; Shanika, she’s 35 years old now and my dear Mother passed away from a massive heart attacks as well, it was the worst Sunday night of my life, June 13, 1993. My Oldest Sister passed away on Oct 6, 2013 from complications with her Diabetes and Kindneys, she was age 63 and so was my dear Mother when she passed away. I will be 61 in August and because of your eatrealamerica and these outstanding cookbooks, I don’t have to have fear of leaving at 63 yrs old too, I’m gonna live to see all of my Grandchildren grown and fulfill the will of God for my life now. I feel my youthfulness coming back and depression kicked out the door through eating real foods!! Honestly, you guys have given me hope and my energy back, my joy back and my life back too and I just can’t say thank you enough for what you do to help change lives for the better!
    I am a living witness, in this short period of time. And the best is yet to come!!!🥰😍🤩💃🏽

    I hear Dianna Ross’s song in my head from time to time; I’M COMING OUT!! That’s gonna be my new exercise dance jam and my theme song, once I reach my weight loss goal🎶💃🏽🙌👏

    P.S. I don’t crave sweets, sugary junk food anymore!! Hallelujah ✝️ 🙌
    That in itself makes me cry tears of sweet relief!!!

    Oh! By the way…I love me those mini cherry pies and I also make apricot mini pies with 2 almonds and I’m satisfied. That is what I call a delicious miracle honey! 🤣🥰😋

    This eat real food lifestyle is exciting and revitalizing for me and that’s the honest, goodness, truth and a game changer for me too!

    If, I’m one of the t shirt winners, it will be a wonderful goal to reach the 2x mark, because I have gone from a size 5x to a 4x. Mother is blessed with chest…lol but , so a 2x will be an awesome goal for me to reach, sooner than I could have ever imagine. Thanks to my awesome, new way of eating with real food.
    MAY God continue to bless and keep you both and your families. I truly am thankful and grateful for this life changing way of eating real food.

    Earnestly I live to live again,

    Norma E Fletcher

    I love you all, I love my new way of eating real food and I’m loving me better now days because of simply learning to eat real food with sooooo many wonderful, healthy, nourishing, recipes, I could never, ever get bored!. You’re part of my family for life and I will never forget what God has done for me, through you both❤

  33. I am loving the Eat Real Program! My main goals have been to lose some weight and get my cholesterol and mild hypertension down. I have succeeded a bit with all 3 since the 1st of the year! I’m feeling great and enjoying the Eat Real cookbook and Eat Real America recipes. Your program has taught me so much! I look forward to trying all the recipes and cooking together in the last 4 classes of the program.

  34. Focusing on REAL food has resulted in us making our own salad dressings, increasing the amount of veggies we add to our meals and increasing the variety in our meal plans. One other BIG result is actually preferring to make our own food at home instead of going out or picking up take out. It tastes SO much better!

  35. It all started last September when I went to the Doctor for my annual physical and my cholesterol and Sodium level was too high, and I knew I needed to make some changes about the way I was eating. I ran across a Zonya on a YouTube video. I bought the Eat Real Cookbook, and I couldn’t believe how delicious the meals were. I have lost 20 pounds and with only 10 more left to lose. When I went back to the doctor before Christmas my cholesterol and sodium level was coming down. I then bought the Lickety-Split cookbook. I feel better and I now plan my meals for the week and try to stay away from anything that comes prepackaged. Also, exercise has become part of my daily routine. Thanks, Zonya!!!

  36. I have loved all the recipes I’ve had a chance to try. The unique food combinations give variety in nutrients and taste, encourage me to try new things, gave alternatives to offer new foods to my family, and gave much healthier options for those sweet cravings.
    The program through Derby Public schools was very fun and Krista’s and hubby’s energy/excitement was contagious!
    We loved seeing them both at the Wichita Farm & Art Market as well as getting to see them present there.
    Keep up the good work!

  37. I had been praying about our health — not that it was really bad, but we needed help in several areas. I was looking for a natural food way to lower cholesterol as for a number of years the doctor was suggesting statins….NO THANK YOU! I had tried taking plant sterols which didn’t seem to help even though we were eating salads, a veggie and a grain/starch for dinner BUT I was doing something wrong! I must confess that I had been letting some things into our household that were not healthy. Loving foods in their natural state, I was quickly drawn to watch Zonya’s You-Tube videos on health issues/cholesterol, etc., and with her being a dietician, I was hooked and couldn’t get enough of her teaching! She is easy to understand and her caring and infectious personality keeps our attention! Her teaching sets us up for success! She shows HOW TO eat healthy all the while teaching things about food. In watching her videos I awoke again to the exciting world of healthy eating in the correct way — LOTS of veggies and fruits and to snack on healthy foods. So thankful to God for this answer to prayer! Already loosing weight and feeling great — haven’t been this excited or felt this good in a long time. Zonya, Krista, their husbands and staff love what they do and it is reflected in all they do to help others get healthy and to stay healthy! THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE TEAM FOR SHARING YOUR KNOWLEDGE!

  38. Thank you all for the amazing comments and feedback on this coaching tip! You have blown us away with your successes and stories – we are so grateful for all of you and love that you are joining us on this REAL food journey!

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