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We Need Your Opinion!

It’s finally happening!  

We are closing in on the final stages of our NEW Eat REAL Cookbook, but we have one last dilemma:

What do we title the book?


We need your help!




To give you some insight, Zonya and I have worked hard to provide a countertop easel cookbook jam-packed with:

  • Information to navigate through the confusion about what is healthy and what is not, and realize how easy it really is…just keep it simple and eat REAL food.


  • A 28-Day Challenge, including four weeks of dinner entrees and sides begining with a “warm up” week of REAL food variations of familiar family favorites.  The following weeks’ menus then take it to the next level, gradually introducing foods and preparation methods that may be new  – but not for long!


  • With weekly grocery lists, color photos of every recipe and coaching along the way, readers will shop, chop, prepare and enjoy REAL food that’s loved by the whole family.  And with breakfast, lunch, snack, dessert and beverage recipes included, every meal is covered, helping readers on their way to a nutritionally-rich, flavor-filled way of life, fueled by REAL FOOD.


  • Readers will have the REAL food expertise, cooking confidence and family acceptance that creates a “delicious meets healthy” lifestyle that STICKS!  


By joining us on a REAL food journey with scrumptious recipes that step readers – and their families – into a healthy eating lifestyle, they will experience:

  • Increased cravings for a wider variety of foods – including vegetables!  Yes, vegetables!
  • Decreased cravings for processed and junk foods.
  • Less stress getting delicious meals on the table!
  • Increased quality of family mealtime interactions.
  • Increased energy, trim off unwanted weight, and even turn around type 2 diabetes, reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.


We are trying to decide on the best title and the best back cover!


We would love your opinion, including which version you like best…and why!


Front Cover Version 1:


Front Cover Version 2:


Back Cover Version 1:


Back Cover Version 2:


We will provide more information when our new cookbook is available on May 2nd!

Remember, Mother’s Day is May 13th!  

This would be the perfect gift for your Mother’s Day gift giving (and requesting!) needs!

Thank you so much – we sincerely appreciate all of our Eat REAL America members!


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19 Responses to We Need Your Opinion!

  1. I like Front cover #1 & back cover #2. I like the thought of a “kick-start” instead of challenge because it’d be my start to eating real. I love your lunch & learns but I’ve still yet to put those into my rotation and further into everyday eating.

  2. Cover #1 and back #2 speak to me – I think its the wording of “Kickstart” vs. challenge for the cover choice and the back I am drawn to the shrimp skewers. But honestly, you can’t go wrong with either – they both look amazing!!!!! I am so proud of you guys & where you’ve taken this and that you’ve brought us all along on this amazing journey. Thank you for sharing your gift with Wichita –

  3. Front Cover Version 1: Kickstart sounds like an opportunity when Challenge sounds like work.

    Back Cover Version 1: I like the cauliflower and chopsticks as familiar but don’t like the skewers in Version 2 as looking fancy.

    Back Cover Version 2: upper center and upper right are more appealing than Version 1 with the cast iron skillet being very familiar as a cooking method and the pudding looks delicious.

  4. I like version 1 for both. I like a Kickstart better then a challenge. It sounds more do-able. On the back cover I like the idea of what appears to be a one-dish meal on the top left, and the balls on the top right look like a snack for several days instead of the mousse for only 1 meal.

  5. Version 1 for front and back. I personally like the word “challenge”, but I know that “kickstarter” speaks to more people. For the back, I like the energy balls photo better. It’s a snack that’s portable, whereas pudding is not. And there are what looks like several “flatter” foods (pizza, dessert pizza, skewered food on a fairly flat platter) in photo 2, whereas photo 1 has more dimension.

  6. I like Version 1 for the cover, I like kick-start because it’s exactly what I need to get started. I like Version 1 for the back, the foods on the back are more eye catching, especially those energy balls ;).

  7. Front version 1. “Challenge” makes it sound hard. “Kick start” is a very trendy word right now.It implies it will be fairly easy and once you make it through the first 28 days it will be smooth sailing. That is not false advertising because you know the first 28 days are the hardest and after that you offer the tools so while it won’t be smooth sailing it will be a whole lot easier than if they try it on their own.

    I am not sure on the back. I read the comment about the cast iron skillet but I always skip those recipes because I don’t have a cast iron skilled. And, I think the slice of the recipe with the fresh fruit looks fresher and more appetizing. The chop sticks probably represent the recipes that you offer better than the shrimp and I think the skewers make the picture confusing. When I first looked at this on my phone I couldn’t tell what the picture was so I had to open it on my computer.I LOVE the balls recipe and make them fairly often but, the pudding recipe adds more color. I like the white back ground, the green garnish and the strawberry. I have never made that recipe but the color looks really good. Now that I typed all of that, I guess the top one wins for me. I also really like the easel! Love Gain REAL health eating REAL food! I love that it isn’t promoted as a weight loss book or fad diet book! Well done!!!!!

  8. Pretty similar response – I like Kick Start better than challenge – WAY TOO many challenges out there and it stinks when they end in failure… Back cover – both are gorgeous!! The next time you see my son or husband, please tell them I NEED This for Mother’s Day!

  9. I love what you are providing! I will be completely honest, because that’s just how I roll. I like cover 1 because kickstart seems brighter, less ominous than challenge. I like back 1 because the middle dessert pic is more appealing. Here’s the completely honest part… the balls on back 1 are delicious and nutritious, but are somewhat blah to look at. Since people eat with their eyes first, how about rolling in coconut flakes, or sesame seeds? I’ve seen some very beautiful power balls like this. Thank you for your incredible work!

  10. I prefer version 1 for both. I plan to get one when they’re available, and I’m looking forward to seeing what recipes you’ve chosen. I think the easel style may make it more accessible for DH to use. Your site has done so much for our busy family – thank you!! And congratulations on this wonderful milestone!

  11. I like the one that says kickstart. It sounds less daunting than a challenge. I don’t really have a preference on the back

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