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Have you looked at the headlines recently?

We all get bombarded with news feeds every day, and interesting stories can sometimes be overlooked.

Don’t worry, we have you covered.

We have been monitoring recent food-related headlines and wanted to share some of these with you…some of them may be surprising!



“U.S. Longevity Rates Have Increased for the First Time Since 2014…How the REAL Food Movement Has Transformed Our Lives”

“Budget Surplus Credited to Healthier Americans as Healthcare Spending Decreases From Over $10,000 Per Person to Less Than $5,000 Per Person…the U.S. Catches Sweden as One of the Healthiest Nations”

“How Food Has Overtaken Pills as Doctors’ Prescription of Choice”

“Pharmaceutical Companies Struggle with Significant Decreases in Earnings as Consumers Eliminate Need for Medication in Record Numbers”

“The Changing Face of the Supermarket… Produce Sections Have Doubled in Size While Cookie and Boxed Foods Aisles are Shrinking”

“New Studies Report that Quality Family Meals are at an All-Time High”

“Farmers Have Risen to the Challenge to Keep Up with Dramatic Increases in Demand for Local Produce and Grass-Fed Meats”

“Have you Noticed a Change in the Air?  REAL Food Sundays Catching On Across the U.S. with Amazing Meals Being Prepared at Family Gatherings”

“Rates of Disease Showing a Surprising Decline…Are Changing Dietary Habits to Blame?”

“Kids Cooking Classes are the New Rage”

“Workplace Wellness Programs Inspire Employees to Change Their Eating Habits…No More Boring Meetings Telling Employees to ‘Eat More Fruits and Vegetables'”

“Where Did All the Kids Meals Go?  Kids Meals Have Vanished as Demand Has Shifted to Smaller Portions of Healthier Adult Menu Items”

“Homeowners Associations Facing Demands to Rewrite Covenants to Allow Community Gardens”

“Kid Power, the Nutrition Mission Movie, Sets Box Office Records…How Kid Power Became American’s #1 Superhero” 

“Breaking Down Paradigms: How Farmers Markets at McDonald’s Came to Be”


Can you believe these headlines?

Of course not (that last one was a sure giveaway)…it’s April Fool’s Day (or, it was yesterday)!

We can always hope that someday these will be REAL headlines and this kind of progress is a reality!

Working together, we CAN make it happen!

Please encourage others to join the Eat REAL America community and Happy Belated April Fool’s Day!


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