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Healthy Habits

Do This to Stay Healthy All Summer Long!

POSTED: July 9, 2024
Welcome to the “dog days of summer!” While there is no official definition, the “dog days of summer” are considered to be July and August, when the heat and humidity are ...

Mocktail Mastery: Healthy, Non-Alcoholic Drinks!

POSTED: July 2, 2024
Have you ever wanted to change your relationship with alcohol? Or have you ever thought about going alcohol-free for a period of time, but are concerned about how it will affect your social life? ...

Delicious Dressings at Your Fingertips!

POSTED: June 11, 2024
Did you read our coaching tip last week about whether a burger can be healthier than a salad?   Big flavor loaded salads are absolutely one of the best things you can eat.  And the right ...

Can a Burger Be Healthier Than a Salad?

POSTED: June 4, 2024
Which do you think is healthier?   A burger or a salad?   If we asked ten people this question, at least nine would say, “Of course, the salad is healthier!” What if the ...

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

POSTED: May 14, 2024
Picky eaters. We all know one. Maybe we are one. Or we once were. Almost every single day, we hear “I don’t like _________.”  You can fill in the blank with all kinds of things such as mushrooms, ...

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

POSTED: May 7, 2024
Do you feel like you are constantly bombarded with conflicting messages about protein? It seems like protein has recently taken on a “superfood” status.  You will find no shortage of ...

Ask Us Anything #2!

POSTED: April 23, 2024
A few weeks ago, we shared a coaching tip to answer some of the questions we are frequently asked. Thanks to your responses, we are answering some more questions we have been hearing recently. ...

Why We Should All Be Eating Buddha Bowls!

POSTED: April 16, 2024
Did you read our coaching tip last week? Did the thought of eating 30 different varieties of plants every week seem overwhelming? To keep you inspired and motivated to enjoy a wide variety of ...

These May Be the Most Important Things to Count!

POSTED: April 9, 2024
Do you count numbers as part of your diet? Some people count calories.  Others count carbs, sodium, fat, or added sugars. We know there are situations where it might be helpful to track these ...

Why We Should All Eat with the Seasons

POSTED: March 26, 2024
It’s official…spring is here!   What do you most look forward to this time of year?   For some, it may be the warmer temperatures.  For others, the blooming trees and the greening ...

Are You Neophobic?

POSTED: March 5, 2024
What are you afraid of? Maybe it’s arachnophobia (the fear of spiders) or a fierce case of acrophobia (a fear of heights).  There’s another common phobia that we don’t hear much ...

Be a Good Host!

POSTED: February 27, 2024
We’ve all heard, “it’s important to have a healthy gut.” But what EXACTLY does that mean?   And, maybe you have heard people talk about the “microbiome,” ...

Ask Us Anything!

POSTED: February 6, 2024
Do you have questions as you progress on your REAL food journey?   Trust us, you’re not alone!   We thought our weekly coaching tips would be the perfect opportunity to ...

Is Food Culture Controlling Your Kids?

POSTED: January 16, 2024
In the beginning… as a parent, when your baby first starts to eat “real” food and is excited to explore all the new textures and flavors, you may find yourself thinking, ...

Is Your Workplace Conspiring Against You?

POSTED: January 9, 2024
What kind of food culture would someone find if they dropped into your workplace?   Do donuts and bagels make frequent appearances in the breakroom and in meetings? Are there candy dishes ...

How Does Culture Influence Your Food Choices?

POSTED: January 2, 2024
Imagine this… what if you were from outer space and just got dropped off here, landing smack dab in the middle of the country.  After observing everything for a few weeks, your friends back ...

Consistency is Key!

POSTED: December 26, 2023
With 2024 just a few days away, and everyone anxiously awaiting the announcement of their “New Year’s Resolutions,” we’d like to FIRST encourage you to take a moment and reflect on your ...

Ditch the Packet with This 4-Ingredient REAL Hot Chocolate!

POSTED: December 12, 2023
The holidays are here and winter is right around the corner… have you started craving a warm cozy cup of hot cocoa? Whether it was your own childhood or a special treat for your kids, how ...

How to Dodge Diabetes Deliciously!

POSTED: November 28, 2023
Have you or someone you love just been told… “You have prediabetes” (or “you have diabetes”)? Unfortunately, this is currently happening at an alarming rate, and we have had ...

The Sides Can Steal the Show!

POSTED: November 14, 2023
Have you started your Thanksgiving menu planning?   If so, have you given any thought to how colorful your holiday table will be this year?   Last week during a cooking demo I was ...

40 Bursts of Inspiration for Your REAL Food Journey!

POSTED: November 7, 2023
Do you have sayings or quotes that help you navigate different areas of your life?   We definitely do!     For example, my husband is always reminding our kids, “You ...

Welcome to Sweet Treat Season!

POSTED: October 31, 2023
Happy Halloween! We hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween adventure this evening, whether it is taking the kids or grandkids trick-or-treating, or staying home and passing out treats and ...

Make Your Own Coffee Creamer

POSTED: September 26, 2023
Do you love coffee? Do you love a little creamer in your coffee? If so, I am right there with you! Before our REAL food journey, I had a tendency to go a little overboard with the sugar or ...

How Are You Training Your Muscles?

POSTED: September 19, 2023
Do you ever have things happen that leave you thinking…   “was that a coincidence?!”   This happens to us quite often, especially if we are paying attention! Over the past ...

What Really Matters!

POSTED: September 5, 2023
It had been almost 4 years since Zonya and I had been together in-person.   A couple of weeks ago, I was blessed to spend a weekend in Michigan with my nutritionist partner in crime, Zonya ...

Let’s Talk Health AND Wealth!

POSTED: August 22, 2023
Have you ever thought about how the same concepts that help you achieve good health can also help you achieve financial well-being?   Our daughter graduates from college this December and ...

Is the Back-to-School Routine Stressing You Out?

POSTED: August 15, 2023
How is it possible that school is starting up again already? In our area, most children are headed back this week, and some even started last week. If you have kids or grandkids headed back to ...

10 Meals for Under $10!

POSTED: August 1, 2023
“Eating healthy is just so expensive.”   We hear this all the time.   Reality check…Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive! It’s TRUE!  And, as proof, ...

Food As Medicine?!

POSTED: July 25, 2023
What comes to mind when you think of hospital food?   Many of us may think “bland,” “boring,” and “colorless.”     These descriptions can ...

Food Freedom!

POSTED: July 4, 2023
Happy 4th of July to the Eat REAL America community! We hope you all are enjoying some relaxing time with family and friends – and of course enjoying delicious and nutritious food and ...

What’s Your Number?

POSTED: June 27, 2023
When you go to the store, what percentage of the food you buy is ultra-processed?   Would it shock you if we told you this number is over 60% for the average American household?   Are ...

WARNING: Don’t Eat Cherry Tomatoes!

POSTED: June 13, 2023
Believe it or not, this is real advice from some real “nutrition coaches!”   One of our Eat REAL America members shared this story after a meeting she had with her ...

Let’s Talk About Alcohol!

POSTED: June 6, 2023
Do you love having a glass of wine with dinner? Is this part of your relaxing evening routine? This was us! And we felt pretty good about enjoying a glass of wine with dinner because we have all ...

The Good Life!

POSTED: May 23, 2023
We want to give you something a little different with the coaching tip this week!   As Memorial Day weekend is approaching, we wanted to provide something a little lighter and entertaining! ...

AI’s Take on REAL Food!

POSTED: May 9, 2023
Have you encountered AI yet?   If you haven’t heard of it, we are talking about “artificial intelligence.” Even if you think it hasn’t affected your life, it probably ...

Celebrate Mother’s Day…REAL FOOD Style!

POSTED: May 2, 2023
Believe it or not, Mother’s Day is less than two weeks away.   Are you ready?   You may be celebrating your Mom or a special person in your life.  Or maybe your family is asking, ...

All About Iron!

POSTED: April 25, 2023
Do you ever wonder if you are getting enough iron?   Have you been told you need to get more iron in your diet? If so, you’re not alone.   We were doing a cooking demo a couple of ...

What do we eat?

POSTED: April 18, 2023
“Woman shows every meal for 47 days!” If you saw this headline, would you think “she is crazy!”? Or you might wonder, “what kind of fad diet is she trying to ...

I Already Feel So Much Better!

POSTED: April 4, 2023
“I’m feeling sooooo much better, and that’s after just 2 weeks of eating REAL food!” “In less than a week, my digestive issues have calmed down and I’m feeling ...

Breaking 100!

POSTED: March 21, 2023
What if you could live to 100? And, we are talking about REALLY LIVING and REALLY THRIVING! Think of all the great moments, experiences and memories! Imagine being part of not just your ...

Today Is A Big Day!

POSTED: March 14, 2023
Do you know what today is? If you said “March 14th,” you are right, but it’s much more than just March 14th! Quick flashback to math class… it’s Pi Day! And that’s not ...

Burger In A Bowl!

POSTED: March 7, 2023
Do you sometimes find yourself craving a burger? Then, you work really hard to tell your brain to push that craving aside, telling yourself, “burgers aren’t healthy…I should ...

You’ve Gotta Try this Satisfying Sweet Treat!

POSTED: February 7, 2023
One thing we have learned on our REAL food journey is…   it helps to have bite-size sweet treats easily and readily available.     And, of course, we have also learned that ...

Butter Board Fascination…

POSTED: January 24, 2023
Have you noticed the recent fascination with Butter Boards? We’re not sure exactly where this started, although it seems that a Portland, Oregon chef, Joshua McFadden, may have originated ...

Even Better Than What the Doctor Ordered

POSTED: January 17, 2023
We have all heard the advice,“to be healthy, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables.”   But what EXACTLY does this mean? And, are there certain foods that are more important ...

And Now…the Rest of the Story…

POSTED: January 10, 2023
What did you think of last week’s coaching tip?   Did the numbers or video give you or someone you know a sense of unease?     Last week, we unveiled the first step to making a ...

Lasting Change is Possible with These Three Things

POSTED: January 3, 2023
Have you made a New Year’s resolution? Many of us have…and the good news is most of us are probably still on track since we are just a couple of days into the new year!   The age-old ...

Bringing 2022 To a Close and Looking Forward to 2023!

POSTED: December 27, 2022
With 2023 just a few days away, and everyone anxiously awaiting to announce their “New Year’s Resolutions,” we’d like to FIRST encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the accomplishments ...

Our Sit-Down with Santa!

POSTED: December 20, 2022
Some of you may remember our interview with Santa last year. We didn’t want to bother Santa this year, knowing how busy he is.  So, you can imagine our surprise when he called and asked ...

Coconut Confusion?! (PART 2)

POSTED: November 8, 2022
Are you ready for more about coconut? Last week, we talked about coconut nutrition, coconut oil and coconut milk, and shared a variety of nutritious and delicious meal ideas! This week, for part ...

Recreate Your Favorite Restaurant Meals at Home!

POSTED: October 25, 2022
Do you ever enjoy a restaurant meal and wish you could recreate it at home?   Or, do you wish you could make it healthier so you could enjoy it more often?   This happens to us all the ...

Is It Against the Law to Enjoy This Canned Veggie All Year Long?

POSTED: October 18, 2022
According to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, 90% of the sales for this canned vegetable (well, technically, it’s a fruit) take place every year during the 4-month period from ...

Would These 7 Changes Get America Eating Healthier?

POSTED: September 13, 2022
Each week, our objective with our Eat REAL America coaching tips is to either inform, inspire or entertain (OK, maybe a little of each!). Occasionally, we also like to include tips that discuss ...

Impress Your Guests With These Tailgating Tips

POSTED: September 6, 2022
As we head into September, autumn is rapidly approaching – (even if the weather in your area may not feel like it yet!). This, of course, means fall festivals, family trips to the pumpkin ...

Some Things We Heard This Week

POSTED: August 30, 2022
Do you ever have one of those weeks where you hear things that just seem to stick with you and you can’t stop thinking about them? We recently experienced one of those weeks and wanted to ...

This May Be Harming You More Than You Think!

POSTED: August 9, 2022
Busy with work, busy with kids, busy with social obligations, busy keeping up the house — busy, busy, busy! Regardless of where we live, the season we’re in, how old we are; whether we have ...

Blistered and Charred…and Delicious!

POSTED: July 26, 2022
Have you heard of shishito peppers? What about Padron peppers? Would you believe me if I told you these little peppers are life-changing, with only 3 ingredients and 10 minutes to prepare? ...

Things That Make You Go “Hmmmm…”

POSTED: July 19, 2022
Just last week some information came across our radar and we thought… “we have to share this with our Eat REAL America community!”   It triggered all kinds of interesting ...

Give Your Kids This Life Skill and Cure Summer Boredom at the Same Time!

POSTED: July 12, 2022
Has summer boredom kicked in for your kids yet? If you have kids – or grandkids – at home this summer, or know someone who does, you know the challenge of keeping them busy and ...

Eat Your Sunscreen?!

POSTED: June 28, 2022
Are you embracing the blistering hot summer weather that arrived with a bang in many parts of the country the past couple of weeks?   Or are you already over it and looking forward to fall? ...

Does Variety Matter?

POSTED: June 21, 2022
Do you know someone who eats the same foods over and over, each and every day? Some people may find comfort in this routine.  Others would find themselves in the uncomfortable and frustrating ...

What’s the Plan? {Snack Edition}

POSTED: June 14, 2022
Are you a natural planner? Whether you call it discipline or a slight case of OCD, we happen to be planners.  And, we have found this very helpful when it comes to eating healthfully.  When we ...

It’s Not Dying You Should Worry About…

POSTED: May 24, 2022
Have you ever heard someone say something similar to this: “No one lives forever…I might as well enjoy life while I can!” or “So what if I die a few years early? ...

Do You Eat Healthy Away From Home?

POSTED: May 17, 2022
Do you feel like you make healthy choices when you go out to eat? Do you always opt for a salad or a vegetarian meal because you think, “surely those must be the healthiest options?!” ...

Is Inflammation a Secret Killer?

POSTED: May 3, 2022
Are you confused about inflammation and how it affects your health?   Is it good for you, or bad? If you are confused, rest assured you’re not alone. We want to help you understand ...

15 Ways to Beat High Food Prices

POSTED: April 26, 2022
Do you feel like food prices are increasing every time you go to the store or eat out?   It’s not just a feeling – it’s reality! In just the last 12 months, food prices ...

Do This and You Don’t Have to Obsess About Portion Sizes

POSTED: April 19, 2022
Have you wondered if your health would be under better control if your portion sizes were too?   Or, are you not even sure what a reasonable portion size is anymore?   We have great ...

Making This Part of Your Routine Will Change Your Life!

POSTED: April 12, 2022
It’s farmers’ market season! Have you fallen in love with the farmers’ market yet? For some, a weekly visit to the local market something is something they look forward to and ...

Lower Your Cholesterol with These 3 Foods!

POSTED: March 15, 2022
Why is it so important to keep our cholesterol in check?   Heart disease is the number one leading killer for both men and women! Because of this, it’s very important to keep our cholesterol ...

Does Color Matter?

POSTED: March 8, 2022
We have all heard the advice:   “Eat the Rainbow”   Of course, we are NOT talking about the rainbow found in a bag of Skittles or a box of “magically delicious” ...

Can You Really Reprogram Your Taste Buds?

POSTED: February 15, 2022
Why do some people crave a burger, fries and soda, while others crave fruits and vegetables? And, is it true that your cravings can actually change to prefer healthy (REAL) food?   What ...

Grocery Store Tour – Buying Bread Without a Chemistry Degree!

POSTED: February 1, 2022
We’re back in the grocery store with a trip to the bread aisle!   Do you feel confused with all the options in the bread aisle?   If so, you’re not alone! Is multi-grain a ...

Life Is Too Short to Count Ingredients

POSTED: January 25, 2022
Do you skip recipes that have too many ingredients? And how many is too many? Over the past few weeks, we have heard a couple of people say they don’t make any recipes with long ingredient ...

Where the Magic Happens!

POSTED: January 18, 2022
When is the last time you or someone you know said, “I don’t like ________”?   Last month?  Last week?   Maybe it was yesterday, or maybe even earlier today! We are ...

Healthy You in 22!

POSTED: December 28, 2021
Last year at this time, we provided 21 ideas to embrace a healthy REAL food lifestyle…     this year, as New Year’s Day rapidly approaches, we want to help you be the ...

Catching Up With Santa!

POSTED: December 21, 2021
Some of you may remember our exclusive interview with Santa in 2019. We were honored that he took time out of his super-busy schedule to talk to us.  Well, the luck truck struck again and we had ...

The other pandemic?

POSTED: December 14, 2021
As we begin to wrap up another year, we have been reflecting on the past 12 months. Of course, it’s impossible to think about this past year (or the past two years) without COVID being ...

Holiday Survival Plan!

POSTED: November 2, 2021
Are you afraid to step on the scale during the holidays?   Are you dreading all the sweets and not-so-healthy dishes that show up every year between Halloween and New Years?   If so, ...

Shar/Ku/Tuh/Ree: Your Edible Art Project

POSTED: October 19, 2021
It’s one of the most popular trends on social media.   It has been even been called the “adult lunchable.” You have probably seen these in magazines, at local restaurants ...

Happy Anniversary!

POSTED: October 12, 2021
Time flies when you’re having fun, right?! Believe it or not, we published our very first Eat REAL America weekly meal ideas and coaching tip 8 years ago, in October 2013. My husband and I ...


POSTED: October 5, 2021
What if you could…   reduce your risk of colon and rectal cancer by 56% lower your risk of heart disease by 40% help fight obesity, type 2 diabetes and constipation plus more!   ...

Better Breakfast Challenge: Planned-Overs?!

POSTED: September 21, 2021
Have you taken on the Better Breakfast Challenges this month? Have you experienced any new breakthroughs? Did you try oats or eggs in a new way, or any of our kid-friendly breakfast ideas?   ...

Better Breakfast Challenge: Egg-cellent Ideas!

POSTED: September 14, 2021
Did you take the challenge last week and try oats in a new or different way? Remember, our better breakfast challenges this month are all intended to help you and your family reduce the amount of ...

Better Breakfast Challenge: No Fear!

POSTED: September 7, 2021
Did you take the challenge last week and offer your kids an “out of the ordinary” breakfast?   Did you do find a way to change it up and reduce the amount of ultra-processed ...

Can You Really Get Kids Excited About a Healthy Breakfast?

POSTED: August 31, 2021
We know weekday mornings can be hectic… and hectic may not even begin to describe your mornings if you have school-aged kids. Trying to get them out of bed, dressed, and even awake enough ...

Is This True for the Kids In Your Life?

POSTED: August 24, 2021
How can we help our kids not just survive, but thrive? A couple of weeks ago, a study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showing that 67% of calories consumed ...

Inspiration to Transform Your Yogurt Into Delicious & Nutritious Meals!

POSTED: August 17, 2021
We hope you enjoyed last week’s tour of the yogurt section! In the coaching tip and video, we mentioned how healthy yogurt can be (loaded with protein, calcium and beneficial bacteria)! ...

Grocery Store Tour – Grab a Spoon For a Trip to the Yogurt Section!

POSTED: August 10, 2021
Do all of the choices in the yogurt section of the grocery store overwhelm you?   We can relate! And, we want to share what we have learned on our REAL food journey.   There are so many ...

Get Off the Bottle with These 50 Easy & Delicious Homemade Dressings

POSTED: July 13, 2021
Do you make your own salad dressings? Or, are you thinking, “no way, who has time for that?!” Believe it or not, homemade dressings are so much easier than you think…not to ...

Grocery Store Tour – Vinegars and Dressings

POSTED: July 6, 2021
Why all the vinegar choices at the store?   And, what about all those bottled salad dressings…can they be part of a healthy lifestyle?   Continuing our grocery store tours, we ...

Celebrate Red, White and Blue…REAL Food Style

POSTED: June 29, 2021
Fireworks, enjoying time with family and friends, soaking up the sun at the pool, or relaxing on the lake! If you are like us, you are not only looking forward to celebrating all things summer, ...

Insomnia? REAL Food to the Rescue!

POSTED: June 22, 2021
“I’m so tired…I just can’t get a good night’s sleep!”   “All I want is to wake up energized and to feel like I can take on whatever comes my ...

Why Cooking at Home May Not Be So Healthy After All

POSTED: June 15, 2021
Did that headline grab your attention?   It definitely got ours!   Then, as we read the rest of the article, two things struck us: 1. Cooking at home does NOT increase the risk of heart ...

Why the Rolling Stones May Be To Blame for Unhealthy Eating

POSTED: June 1, 2021
Are you back out there? Last Tuesday marked the first day where restaurant dining activity EXCEEDED pre-pandemic levels…this according to’s CEO Debby Soo.  Clearly, ...

How To Make Your Summer Gatherings Unforgettable!

POSTED: May 25, 2021
Summer celebrations!  Pool parties! Family reunions! This weekend marks the unofficial start of summer.  And, we will savor all the opportunities to gather again with family and friends – ...

Should You Only Eat Organic?

POSTED: May 4, 2021
Do you wonder whether you should be eating more organic foods?   Are you confused about what “organic” really means?   If you watched our virtual grocery store tour in the ...

Let’s Veg Out – Our Virtual Tour of the Produce Section

POSTED: April 27, 2021
How much time do you spend in the produce section of the grocery store?   If you are on a REAL food journey, you will likely (AND SHOULD!) spend well over half your time and money here. ...

Taxes or Eating Healthy – Which is More Difficult?

POSTED: April 13, 2021
Do you dread preparing your taxes this time of year? We certainly do!  Should we claim our college-aged children as dependents?  What tax credits can – and should – we take?  How do ...

What Is Food?

POSTED: March 9, 2021
We are surrounded by “food” in everything we do and every part of our lives!   But, have you ever stopped to think about what “food” really is?   Are all of the things we eat really ...

Are You Nuts?

POSTED: February 23, 2021
Do nuts make a regular appearance in your meals? We often hear people say they avoid nuts because they are “too high in fat” or “have too many calories.” Nut lovers ...

Folks, This Ain’t Normal!

POSTED: February 16, 2021
Most of us know we live in a culture where we want our food to be convenient, fast and cheap. So, to answer our wishes, many foods in the supermarket today have been developed to provide just ...

Yes, 10 servings per day is possible!

POSTED: February 9, 2021
What would you say if we told you we are each supposed to be eating 10 servings of fruits and vegetables…daily!?   Would you respond by saying, Krista and Zonya, “No way, you all ...

It’s Like Riding a Bike

POSTED: January 12, 2021
Do you remember learning to ride a bike?   We remember more vividly teaching our kids how to ride a bike. As we held onto the back of the seat, they would wobble and weave as we guided them ...

Kick the Packet to the Curb

POSTED: January 5, 2021
Pre-mixed seasoning packets. Available for any seasoning combination you can dream up…taco, chili, ranch, brown gravy, hollandaise, fajita, spaghetti and so many more.  They are easy, ...

21 for 2021!

POSTED: December 29, 2020
Here we go! As we rapidly approach New Year’s Day, everyone will be making their “resolutions” and the #1 resolution every year always seems to be to eat healthier (right up ...

From healthy to white fluffy pancakes?!

POSTED: November 17, 2020
An Eat REAL America member recently shared a message that we think many of you may relate to…   we certainly did!   This husband and wife, who are thriving in their REAL food ...

It’s Not You, It’s Our Environment…

POSTED: October 27, 2020
Let’s face it, we are social beings and are highly influenced by what is around us. And there is no denying it…food is all around us…it is absolutely everywhere!  Food is a part of ...

The Ultimate Summer Salad

POSTED: June 23, 2020
What if we told you we had a salad idea that would help you savor and enjoy fresh in-season ingredients all summer long?   Would you believe it?!   Plus, you can customize it with ...

Is Someone Watching You?

POSTED: May 26, 2020
We are NOT talking about Siri or Alexa… …although you may feel like they are always watching you in a techy creepy kind of way.   We ARE talking about people watching you – ...

Have No Fear…

POSTED: May 19, 2020
Do you ever have moments where you feel like your meals are a failure?  Have you ever thought: “I am a horrible cook!”   “When I try to make something new, it always turns ...

Are You a Locavore?

POSTED: May 12, 2020
Are you thinking, what in the world is a locavore?   And, is this a good thing or a bad thing?   “Locavore” is used to describe someone who tries to eat locally grown or ...

Grill More Veggies!

POSTED: May 5, 2020
Are you ready for grilling season? With the extra time at home the past few weeks, grilling season may have started early this year for many of us.  And, let’s face it, for some, grilling ...

Ordinary or Extraordinary?

POSTED: April 14, 2020
Have your meals changed since our world “shut down” over the past few weeks? In our culture, our lives tend to become so insanely busy that meals often become an afterthought.  There ...

Don’t Get Stuck in a Rut!

POSTED: March 24, 2020
One amazing member of our Eat REAL America community shared a great quote this week: “Grocery shopping during the pandemic has become an episode of ‘Chopped’:  🤔 What can I make with a bruised ...

Which is More Important? Eating Healthy or Exercising?

POSTED: March 10, 2020
Can you exercise your way out of bad eating habits?   Which is more important, exercise or eating healthy?   Have you ever thought…“It’s ok to have that doughnut…I had a ...

Bring Convenience To Your Kitchen!

POSTED: March 3, 2020
  “I don’t like leftovers!” Have you ever heard this from your family or friends?  Or, maybe you have even said this?! Let’s face it – with our crazy schedules, ...

Breakfast of Champions?

POSTED: January 14, 2020
As we have mentioned before, some of the food rules we love by Michael Pollan are: “Buy items with fewer than 5 ingredients,”   “Don’t eat anything that your great-grandmother wouldn’t ...

What is your One Thing?

POSTED: December 31, 2019
“I’ve been on a diet for two weeks, and all I’ve lost is 14 days.” -Totie Fields Does this sound familiar? As the new year rolls in, millions of people will start their new routines – including ...

Willpower May Not Be Enough!

POSTED: December 17, 2019
In case you missed it, in our coaching tip two weeks ago, we announced that we are donating $2,500 to your favorite charitable organizations!  We still have room for more!   Please hurry over to ...

What if Your Gift Had the Power to do THIS?

POSTED: November 19, 2019
What if you could change someone’s life this Christmas? As you are turning your attention towards Thanksgiving, are you also starting to anticipate holiday gift giving?!   Whether you ...

Is Comfort Food Just a Myth?

POSTED: November 12, 2019
Whether it’s a cold blustery winter day, or life has you anxious and stressed out, do you immediately start craving a bowl of creamy macaroni and cheese, or a cozy meal of fried chicken ...

Helping You Cope With the Start of Sweet Treat Season

POSTED: October 29, 2019
If you are anything like us, one of the biggest challenges with eating healthfully is… …managing the sweet treats! Especially if you have kids or grandkids, they seem to creep in from ...

Do You Want to Know How Many Years You Have Left?

POSTED: October 15, 2019
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, do you ever stop to think…   “how many years do I have left?”   Do you ever worry about whether you will be able to accomplish ...


POSTED: October 8, 2019
They say their sugar cravings are gone. They say their “brain fog” is gone. They are losing 3-5 pounds per week. It’s all because they are “going keto.” Is it all ...

How Much Risk Are You Willing to Take?

POSTED: October 1, 2019
Are you a risk-taker? Now, we are NOT talking about bungee jumping or James Bond 007 stunts where your life’s in danger…just basic risk-taking. Whether we realize it or not, we all take ...

With a Name Like That It’s Gotta Be Amazing!

POSTED: September 24, 2019
Bi Bim Bop! Have you heard of it, or maybe you are already a huge fan?! Watch us show you how easy it is to prepare!   We first discovered this unique, mind-blowing meal during a trip to ...

Wrap it Up and Tame the Morning Chaos

POSTED: September 17, 2019
Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to breakfast?   Do you keep telling yourself that you want to eat a better breakfast to prevent that mid-morning sluggishness?   Or maybe you would ...

Continuing Strong Into the Fall

POSTED: September 3, 2019
We are now past Labor Day weekend, school is well underway, football games have started and most of us have “checked out” of summer mode. We recently heard someone say, “I am ...

Should You Avoid “Nightshade” Vegetables?

POSTED: July 16, 2019
Maybe you have heard someone say… “I can’t eat nightshades because they make my joint pain flare up…or they give me heartburn.”  We want to shed some light on this ...

Get Out of the Box

POSTED: June 18, 2019
A couple of weeks ago, while at the farmers’ market, we experienced a flashback! A friend of ours generously bought an Eat REAL Cookbook for some friends of his because they were just ...

When Water Gets Boring

POSTED: June 11, 2019
“Make sure you drink enough water.” This advice has been drilled into our heads since we learned about nutrition basics in elementary school. Yet, despite the constant reminders, as ...

Your Guide to What Is In Season Right Now

POSTED: May 14, 2019
A HUGE part of eating REAL is eating in-season – it’s such a great way to savor foods that are at their peak of freshness and flavor! We are frequently asked, “how do you know what is truly ...

Have you looked at the headlines recently?

POSTED: April 2, 2019
We all get bombarded with news feeds every day, and interesting stories can sometimes be overlooked. Don’t worry, we have you covered. We have been monitoring recent food-related headlines ...

A Little Burst of Inspiration

POSTED: March 26, 2019
“I let go of the wheel and we fell off the wagon…” We recently had some close friends who had been successful on their REAL food journey tell us they got lazy and let go of the ...

What is “Health?”

POSTED: March 12, 2019
Since January, our disease-dodging series has taken us on a journey to discuss: How you can reduce cholesterol without medication. What if you could ditch your blood pressure medication for good? ...

What if You Could Ditch Your Blood Pressure Medication For Good?

POSTED: February 5, 2019
Have you or someone you love been told “you need to get your blood pressure down?” In our disease dodging series, we provided information last month about how you can reduce your ...

Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy Bottled Salad Dressing

POSTED: January 22, 2019
Can salad dressing make or break a great salad? Salads are part of almost every meal in our home.  Of course, quality REAL ingredients are a big part of phenomenal salads, and we believe the ...

Can Pizza Really Be Healthy?

POSTED: January 15, 2019
Let’s face it…pizza is one of America’s favorite foods. It’s quick, it’s convenient and it’s a staple at most get-togethers. It is reported that the average American eats 23 pounds of pizza every ...

How to Reduce Cholesterol Without Medication

POSTED: January 1, 2019
Did you know REAL food can be one of the best cholesterol-lowering medicines?   Whether you have been told by your doctor “it’s time to get your cholesterol down” or you ...

Are you surrounded by sugar pushers?

POSTED: November 6, 2018
We want to share… …an eye-opening article that caught our attention this week. It was written by Yoni Freedhoff, a Canadian doctor, who discusses how overconsumption of sugar has ...

What do you tell people you are doing?

POSTED: October 23, 2018
How many times have you heard this? “I’m doing paleo.” “I’m doing the keto diet.” “I’m doing Whole 30.” “I’m doing weight ...

How to Eat Healthy in the Chaos of Daily Life

POSTED: August 21, 2018
It’s hard to believe it’s that time again… …back to school! If you have kids headed back to school, the routine that comes with it can be great, but it also can mean more ...

Is Eating Healthy Really More Expensive?

POSTED: July 17, 2018
“Eating healthy is too expensive.” “And it takes too much time.” We hear this a lot. Many perceive that it’s too expensive (or too time-consuming) to eat REAL food – or ...

Do This to Stay Healthy All Summer Long!

POSTED: June 19, 2018
Summer is officially here! Well, it will be official this Thursday, June 21st! Here in the Midwest, the scorching temperatures and thick humidity have made it feel like summer for several weeks ...

How much education do doctors receive on the #1 cause of death?

POSTED: April 24, 2018
Picture it… …you are sitting in your doctor’s office, worrying about why you have just been diagnosed with heart disease (or a stroke, or diabetes, or cancer). Your mind is ...

Eating Out Shouldn’t Shorten Your Life

POSTED: April 17, 2018
As Michael Pollan says… “The most important thing you can do, and it’s challenging for many people, is cook for your family.” Unfortunately, cooking at home with REAL ...

Why Fat Free Dressing is Not the Answer

POSTED: April 10, 2018
How often are salads part of your meals? We must admit, salads are a part of almost every meal in our home.  Especially when locally-grown produce is available — we love the taste, texture ...

Gluten: Friend or Foe?

POSTED: April 3, 2018
Are you confused about all the messages regarding gluten? If so, you are not alone! Maybe you or someone you know is already living a gluten-free lifestyle…or maybe you have considered ...

Do this to eat healthy without depriving yourself

POSTED: February 20, 2018
How many times have you heard someone say they are trying to eat healthier or following a specific “Diet”, and then they begin to list all the things they are no longer eating? Or, ...

Salads Aren’t Just For Summer!

POSTED: January 16, 2018
What is the best salad you have ever eaten? Take a second to think about it. You may be thinking of a summer salad with fresh, in-season tomatoes, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, basil and other ...

What Can a Nobel Prize Winner Teach Us About Eating Healthy?

POSTED: December 19, 2017
Can eating healthfully be both simple AND easy? And, of course, delicious too? We wholeheartedly believe the answer is YES!  And, this will continue to be part of our mission as we head into ...

Thanksgiving Every Day?

POSTED: November 21, 2017
We all know the nutritional and health benefits of REAL food… …but what if the benefits are much bigger than that? Perhaps there are also significant social and family benefits ...

Time for a Paradigm Shift?

POSTED: November 14, 2017
Thanksgiving is right around the corner!  Are you ready?   What will be on your Thanksgiving menu this year?   Of course, turkey is a staple in most homes and there are many favorite ...

How to Bring the Mediterranean to You

POSTED: July 18, 2017
We have all heard how healthy the “Mediterranean Diet” is, but why?   Is it real, or all hype? How can you incorporate it into your routine? It’s true — the ...

Let’s Celebrate!

POSTED: July 4, 2017
Happy Fourth of July! Happy Birthday America! As we celebrate America, our freedom, and everything that goes with it, we thought this would also be the perfect day to celebrate the success of a ...

Your Guide For Selecting the Best Produce

POSTED: June 13, 2017
We all want to enjoy high-quality produce to get the benefit of the best possible flavor and nutrition.  But how? The first tip in picking the best produce?   Buy in-season at your local ...

Can You Really Lose Weight Without Cutting Calories?

POSTED: June 6, 2017
What if you could lose weight and improve your health without feeling deprived and always hungry?   Good news, you can!     And one great way to do this is with legumes…how ...

What Is All the Buzz About?

POSTED: May 23, 2017
Do you ever feel under-appreciated? Whether you’re a mom who just finished a hectic week or an employee who just finished a big project, at times we have all had that feeling…“do they know ...

Why It’s Not Just About Reducing Sodium

POSTED: May 9, 2017
Do you or someone you know have high blood pressure? According to the American Heart Association (AHA), one out of every three adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure. We all know that high ...

Your Best Strategy to Eat Well All Week

POSTED: April 25, 2017
We have all heard these quotes…   “Proper planning and preparation prevent poor performance.”   “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”   “A goal without a plan ...

Fight Cancer With Your Fork

POSTED: April 18, 2017
If there was a single group of foods, that has been scientifically shown to help you fight cancer…   would you want to know about it?   The good news…there is!  And, this ...

The Simple Way to Fight Damage Occurring in your Body

POSTED: March 21, 2017
What do you think of when you hear the term “antioxidant?” Most of us have heard this buzzword thrown around when a food is described as “healthy.”  Or, you may have seen it on the ...

The Rewards Are Bigger Than Just Good Health

POSTED: November 8, 2016
ANNOUNCING… We have added a comments section to the coaching tips!  Your thoughts and ideas are so important to our community and we want all of our members to benefit…so we encourage ...

Simple Steps to Save You Over $1,000 Per Year

POSTED: October 18, 2016
Have you experienced digging through your refrigerator produce drawer and discovering a moldy green pepper, shriveled-up limp greens or cauliflower covered with brown spots? You had such great ...

Doing This Will Change Your Life!

POSTED: October 4, 2016
Do you “eat with the seasons?” If not, we highly recommend giving it a try!  Just when you have been enjoying summer produce such as zucchini, melons, okra, tomatoes and peppers until you can’t ...

De-Stress Dinnertime with This Time-Saver!

POSTED: September 13, 2016
Last week, we provided a delicious way to simplify and healthify your mornings with baked oatmeal cups.  Did you have a chance to give them a try?  We would love to know how you liked them and ...

We All Have This in Common With Olympic Athletes

POSTED: August 16, 2016
Have you been glued to the television this past week? Watching those incredibly talented athletes perform in Rio? Whether it was Simone Biles’ gravity-defying routines, Katie Ledecky’s ...

When You Can’t Contain Your Excitement Any Longer!

POSTED: July 26, 2016
Your stories are so inspiring… whenever we see Eat REAL America members at lunch-and-learns, other events or just out-and-about, they are always eager to tell us about something exciting ...

This may be the most memorable part of your summer vacation!

POSTED: May 17, 2016
As we all gear up for summer vacations, we want to provide some inspiration to help you enjoy some delicious and healthy meals on the road …   First, eating on the road is NOT the time to ...

What’s Your Cut Off Time?

POSTED: April 26, 2016
Zonya and I just spent 4 crazy busy, laughter-packed, hard-working, incredibly fun-filled days together in Michigan.   We are working on new content and videos for Eat REAL America, plus ...

Pop-ular Snack – Keep it REAL!

POSTED: April 19, 2016
So very simple, yet so amazing how this simple corn kernel “pops” when heated to become the fluffy, crunchy popular snack we all love! POPCORN! It’s reported that in the U.S., ...

Kick the Bottle to the Curb!

POSTED: April 12, 2016
“My teenage daughter was eating the dressing from the Caesar Salad with Avocado Dressing with a spoon!” “I was skeptical about the Maple Almond Vinaigrette, but followed the ...

Let Us Save You Some Time

POSTED: January 12, 2016
What if we could save you several hours this week?   Great news…we can!   As you may know, the new dietary guidelines were released last week.  While the intent is good, we are ...

Paleo vs. Vegan

POSTED: August 11, 2015
I am sure you have heard someone say… “eating vegan has changed my life” or “eating paleo is the only way to go.” We have all been bombarded by contrasting ...

“You’re Talking About My Family!”

POSTED: February 24, 2015
I was blessed with an opportunity to do a cooking demo at the local Women’s Fair this weekend.  During the discussion, I shared some perspective on our eating habits before we started our journey ...

Are You Fed Up?

POSTED: January 6, 2015
When I first saw the trailer for the documentary “Fed Up,” which was just released on DVD in September 2014, I was intrigued.  We recently had the chance to kick back and enjoy some ...

Shake the Hand That Feeds You

POSTED: April 8, 2014
We hear it all the time… support local family farmers, connect with your community, know where your food comes from, and know your farmer!   There is actually a perfect and easy way to do ...

What can we learn from Brazil?

POSTED: March 11, 2014
Did you know new dietary guidelines are issued every 5 years in the U.S.?  I know you may be thinking, how can the government come up with rules to tell us how to eat?!  And, do we really need ...

Maybe Grandma Was Onto Something…

POSTED: January 7, 2014
Ok, this is not an easy topic to write about without getting into the “science” of it, but I decided to give it a shot. I was talking with someone recently who said that flies ...

Kids Are a Hard Sell

POSTED: November 19, 2013
We have all seen and heard the reports that diets high in processed foods affect the health of our kids during their childhood and teenage years, with ongoing effects into adulthood.  In our ...

It’s all about the Ingredients

POSTED: October 7, 2013
There was a time when we remember always looking at the calorie content of food.  Then we were told to also worry about the fat, and not just the fat, the saturated fat because that was the kind ...