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No Fail Smoothies

POSTED: March 12, 2024
How often do you make smoothies? Do you make the same one over and over, or do you change it up to enjoy different flavor combinations? Smoothies can be a delicious – and nutritious – ...

Celebrate Mother’s Day…REAL FOOD Style!

POSTED: May 2, 2023
Believe it or not, Mother’s Day is less than two weeks away.   Are you ready?   You may be celebrating your Mom or a special person in your life.  Or maybe your family is asking, ...

Are Pancakes REAL Food?

POSTED: March 1, 2022
Happy Pancake Day!   Did you know today is Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day)?! In honor of this special day, let’s talk pancakes! Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash ...

The Perfect Time of Year for Homemade Granola!

POSTED: November 9, 2021
Have you been telling yourself… “I am going to make some homemade granola,” but for one reason or another, you keep putting it off? Granola can be an ideal snack…paired ...

Better Breakfast Challenge: Planned-Overs?!

POSTED: September 21, 2021
Have you taken on the Better Breakfast Challenges this month? Have you experienced any new breakthroughs? Did you try oats or eggs in a new way, or any of our kid-friendly breakfast ideas?   ...

Better Breakfast Challenge: Egg-cellent Ideas!

POSTED: September 14, 2021
Did you take the challenge last week and try oats in a new or different way? Remember, our better breakfast challenges this month are all intended to help you and your family reduce the amount of ...

Better Breakfast Challenge: No Fear!

POSTED: September 7, 2021
Did you take the challenge last week and offer your kids an “out of the ordinary” breakfast?   Did you do find a way to change it up and reduce the amount of ultra-processed ...

Can You Really Get Kids Excited About a Healthy Breakfast?

POSTED: August 31, 2021
We know weekday mornings can be hectic… and hectic may not even begin to describe your mornings if you have school-aged kids. Trying to get them out of bed, dressed, and even awake enough ...

Gr-r-reat Grocery Store Tour: The Breakfast Aisle

POSTED: April 6, 2021
Thanks to your generous response and feedback, we are continuing our virtual grocery store tours! Just in case you missed our first one on nuts and nut butters, you can check it out here. This ...

Put Those Lonely Coffee Mugs Back to Work!

POSTED: January 19, 2021
What if you could have delicious eggs and veggies for breakfast in less than 3 minutes? Great news — you can!  And, it’s the perfect way to use those lonely oversized coffee mugs ...

Is it possible to transform this popular breakfast staple?

POSTED: October 13, 2020
We were recently presented with a challenge…   DONUTS, made with REAL ingredients! They needed to be delicious enough to satisfy a sweet tooth, yet healthy enough to enjoy without ...

Breakfast of Champions?

POSTED: January 14, 2020
As we have mentioned before, some of the food rules we love by Michael Pollan are: “Buy items with fewer than 5 ingredients,”   “Don’t eat anything that your great-grandmother wouldn’t ...

Wrap it Up and Tame the Morning Chaos

POSTED: September 17, 2019
Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to breakfast?   Do you keep telling yourself that you want to eat a better breakfast to prevent that mid-morning sluggishness?   Or maybe you would ...

No More Intimidation!

POSTED: December 18, 2018
Picture it… the perfect poached egg with a runny yolk and perfectly set egg white. Your fork slices through it and the yolk magically coats your toast, roasted or sautéed vegetables, pasta, ...

The Real Reason You Should Eat Avocado Toast

POSTED: October 16, 2018
It’s ridiculously simple. It requires no recipe. It can be one of life’s simplest pleasures. And, it’s ideal for breakfast, lunch, a mid-afternoon snack or any time of the day. If you ...

Your Worries Will Disappear with This No Fuss Breakfast

POSTED: June 5, 2018
Hakuna Frittata!   Frittata.  Sounds fancy, doesn’t it?   If you have no idea what a frittata is, you are not alone.  For many years, we thought it was a complicated, fancy and ...

An Oat is an Oat is an Oat

POSTED: March 13, 2018
They are nutritious, taste great, can be transformed into sweet AND savory meals, and are versatile enough to be enjoyed for any meal of the day. Plus, they are easy to prepare and very ...

How to Get the ‘Processed’ Out of Your Sausage

POSTED: September 19, 2017
Did last week’s coaching tip stress you out? Did it make you think about all the processed meats that are part of your weekly routine…and how they are causing havoc inside your body? ...

There is a Sweet Potato in My Toaster

POSTED: February 14, 2017
Last week, we shared some of the 2017 food trends. One of these was “Plant-based everything.”  This week, we want to share another example of this.   What if we told you that you can turn ...

Try this Delicious Way to Simplify Your Mornings

POSTED: September 6, 2016
Have you noticed that oatmeal cups have recently become a “thing”?!   We have been experimenting and have found that oatmeal cups can be absolutely delicious and help ...

Success Does Not Happen Overnight, but Oatmeal Does!

POSTED: November 10, 2015
Have you had the chance to try overnight oatmeal?  When we first discovered it, we will admit, we were skeptical.  Cold oatmeal?  It’s not cooked?  What?  Being open-minded, we decided to ...

Don’t Fear the Yolk!

POSTED: March 3, 2015
The perfect food? Eggs?  Yes! Many consider eggs to be “the perfect food” because there are so many nutrients jam-packed into such a small package! However, eggs have also been considered a ...