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Shout Outs

  • The Eat REAL Cookbook was recommended by a coworker, and it’s the best recommendation I have ever been given!

    My husband and I finished the 28-days of dinners and we both agree that we have enjoyed every recipe, and have learned so much about ingredients and spices.  I have lost 12 lbs and my husband 8.  Thanks so much for putting together such a great book and making it so simple.  It’s literally changed our lives!

    I have rheumatoid arthritis, and even with medication have always had swelling in my joints.  After doing the 28 days of “Eating REAL”, I now have no swelling to speak of, I’ve lost weight easily and my energy has been great.  Eating REAL is life-changing!

  • The difference in the EAT REAL program from others we’ve tried is that the food is really good!  My husband is down 27 pounds, and I just returned from the doctor, and at 72, everything is perfect and I don’t take a single medication.  We don’t feel deprived in either portion size or taste so we will definitely be eating REAL for life!

  • I love your recipes and don’t use any other cookbook or cooking website because it’s so nice to have found a go-to place for recipes that work, are easy to follow, and use mostly on-hand ingredients.  And taste great too!  Keep up the great work!

  • “Thank you for amazing recipes, full of flavor!  I have been using Eat Real America’s recipes for several years now and we have loved them all!  It occurred to me today that I used to fix meat, potatoes (or rice or some starch) and a vegetable for dinners.  Now we have a meal centered on vegetable dishes and a side of meat.  We very seldom have a starch.  We also have tried foods that we never would have thought of before such as Brussels sprouts and kale.  I always look forward to seeing the new recipes you add to the website.  Such a healthy way to eat and enjoy it too!”

  • “Eat REAL America is life-changing — it has changed the way we cook!  We are no longer stuck in a rut, and we can’t believe how delicious these meals are.  We make dinner and stand back and think “WOW — we just made that!”  And, it’s so much easier than you think, the ingredients are easy to find, the same variety of spices are used again and again and our grocery bill has even gone down because we are planning better.  We are only eating meals from the Eat REAL America website and we absolutely love it!”

  • “After finding out my cholesterol was dangerously high at 261, I knew I had to make a change.  Rather than taking pills, my daughter (who was fresh out of college with a degree in nutrition) said, “we are going to fix this with REAL food!”  By focusing on REAL ingredients, with vegetables as the star of our meals, and meat in moderation, I lost 30 pounds, gained so much more energy, and showed my doctor who’s boss — my cholesterol was down to 218 within 6 months and remains normal at 187 one year later.”

  • “What started as a simple luncheon at work, truly took on a whole new perspective of what we eat.  I have lost 27 pounds and counting!”

  • “We are military and our life is crazy, but Eat REAL America has given me the tools to make healthy meals and life easier.  In fact, it even saved our marriage.  My husband and I were not eating dinner together and I was gaining weight, but this website changed that and taught me the way to provide new options for us.  Eating right can be a chore, but with Eat REAL America, kale does not have to be scary.”

  • “I have eaten food from the Eat REAL America website for an entire week and loved it!  I have lost 5 lbs and never once had to count calories!”

  • “THANK YOU for this website and all the resources you provide!  I’m re-doing our menu tonight.  I found I was skipping over so many of the meals that were in our regular rotation a year ago because the ingredients are no longer part of our diet. Our life has gotten so busy in the last year, and I don’t have time to hunt for and screen whole food recipes.  I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have one central place to search for new recipes to add to our monthly menu.  I love knowing any recipe I choose will be free of questionable ingredients.  You and this site are a blessing to our family!!”

  • “We love Eat REAL America!  We are eating better than before, both in terms of nutrition and in terms of taste.  Plus, the recipes are simple and easy to make…even for us “non-chefs”!”

  • “I just signed up for a membership with Eat REAL America – you have made a believer out of me!  Your recipes rock and I love not having to think about what to make for dinner, especially when life is hectic.  Plus, the added bonus of having healthful recipes is wonderful!”

  • “I love Eat REAL America!  I try to use it as a way to convince people that they can make healthy, fast, delicious recipes without being a chef or having 2 hours to prepare a meal!”

  • “I am loving your website!  The meal planning and shopping lists are LIFE SAVERS!!  This week, I’ve made the Sloppy Joes (with Butternut Squash), Parsnip Fries, and the Strip Steak w/ Brussels Sprouts…all of which have gone over really well with my family!!!  Thanks for all you are doing!”

  • “Brussels sprouts?  I didn’t think I liked Brussels sprouts…now, I can’t wait to make them again!”

  • “I made this for our Christmas meal (Hearts of Romaine Salad with Creamy Feta Dressing) and it was phenomenal!  Everyone loved it and I will be doing it again!”

  • “The Slow Cooker Balsamic Pork Tenderloin is absolutely delicious! It was incredibly easy to throw together in the crock pot and it made the house smell good all day. The tenderloin comes out so tender and juicy with just the right amount of spice. My whole family loved it and requested I make it again soon. Even my extremely picky 9 year old asked for seconds! Thank you Eat REAL America for another big hit at our dinner table!!”

  • “I think the site is fantastic. The recipes we’ve tried have been simple and delicious. The photography and site design are fresh and inviting. I like the weekly email as a reminder, and Thursday is great as I do my menu planning on Saturday and shopping on Sunday. I like the choices for the weekly meal ideas – three entrees, three sides and two quick meals is a really good balance. Keep up the great work!”

  • “I had no idea roasting vegetables was this easy! We tried this recipe last week and included beets. It was delicious. The thyme was perfect with this mix of vegetables. Now that I know how easy it is, we’ll be roasting these types of vegetables all the time. Thanks for the great recipe!”

  • “Out of the 6 recipes I’ve made from you guys everything has been excellent. My favorite so far is the Spaghetti Squash Noodle Bowl. The Lime Peanut Sauce made this dish high end restaurant quality. I’ve added the recipe to my list of things to make when I want to impress company. Thank You for this service.”

  • “Caught in the routine of making sandwiches for lunch and basic dinners, Eat Real America introduced me to several new recipes, helpful tips for sides, salads and dressings…even pertinent staples to keep in my pantry for better tasting meals!  One of my favorites is a Tilapia and veggie foil packet recipe that is amazing and I now make frequently!  Ingredients I never used or heard of have been suggested along with the best places to shop for the best quality. Eat Real America opened up a new world of cooking for me!  My kitchen pantry has changed and I eat healthier, delicious foods on a daily basis thanks to Eat Real America.   Do yourself a favor and give it a try!”

  • “I wanted to try something different so I tried the turkey sausage pizzaiola recipe and it was amazing!  I couldn’t believe how easy it was and the sauce was so good you could eat it with anything!  I was so proud of myself and my family loved it!  We have such a busy schedule it seems like I don’t have time to get a good dinner together, but having the list of ingredients ready when I went to the store was a huge help.”