
Double Duty Pumpkin Power!
POSTED: November 19, 2024
Is there a lonely can of pumpkin sitting in your pantry? If so, let’s put it to work! And if not, pick one up because we are going transform it into not just one, but two incredibly ...

The Great Potato Debate
POSTED: October 29, 2024
“Avoid white potatoes…eat sweet potatoes instead.” “A white potato is worse than a Snickers bar.” “Potatoes have too many carbs.” Have you heard any of these before? Are you ...

Decor or Dinner? Why Acorn Squash Needs to be on Your Plate!
POSTED: October 21, 2024
Are you someone who walks by acorn squash at the store and thinks, “Ooh, that will look so cute on the table next to my pumpkins!”? Then, a couple of months later, it ends up in ...

Time to Celebrate Brussels Sprouts Season!
POSTED: October 8, 2024
When you hear it is Brussels sprouts season… what is your reaction? Are you excited, or are you thinking “ugh, I DO NOT like Brussels sprouts!”? If you don’t think ...

No more intimidation…how to enjoy eggplant!
POSTED: August 20, 2024
This may be one of the most misunderstood vegetables…or should we say, fruit… it’s the eggplant! And, yes, in case you were wondering, the eggplant is a fruit (it is actually a ...

Don’t Settle for Being Medi-okra!
POSTED: August 6, 2024
“I love it!” “I hate it!” “What is it?” These are the most frequent responses we hear when we ask people about okra! And many people are just like we used to ...

Seeds to Sprouts in Just a Matter of Days!
POSTED: July 16, 2024
What is your perception of sprouts? There was a time when I thought they were just added to sandwiches, wraps and salads to make them look fancy. It didn’t even cross my mind that they ...

Why to Include Fennel in Your REAL Food Routine!
POSTED: April 30, 2024
The past few weeks, we have talked about the importance of eating a wide variety of plants, including LOTS of vegetables and fruits. Plus, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, herbs and spices! ...

Why We Should All Eat with the Seasons
POSTED: March 26, 2024
It’s official…spring is here! What do you most look forward to this time of year? For some, it may be the warmer temperatures. For others, the blooming trees and the greening ...

A Guide to Winter Squash
POSTED: October 24, 2023
“You mean my fall porch decorations?! I would have no idea how to cook with them!” Is this you or someone you know? If so, you’re not alone – we hear this all the time! ...

These Greens Make a Comeback in the Fall
POSTED: October 3, 2023
Do you assume that since summer is over, the farmers’ markets and fresh greens are winding down? There are several varieties of dark leafy greens that make a comeback in the fall when the ...

Spaghetti Squash Season!
POSTED: September 12, 2023
I still remember our first encounter with spaghetti squash… we were at the farmers’ market, feeling pretty adventurous so we decided to buy one. It was more out of curiosity whether it ...

Don’t Let This Opportunity Pass You By!
POSTED: August 8, 2023
What is one of the biggest benefits to “eating with the seasons?” It’s the anticipation of those flavorful and nutritious foods coming into season each year! You start ...

Here Today, Gone Tomato!
POSTED: July 18, 2023
We all know that flavor-exploding sweetness that comes from a perfectly ripe, freshly-picked tomato. In many parts of the country, juicy delicious summer tomatoes are becoming abundantly ...

Cool as a Cucumber!
POSTED: June 20, 2023
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a cucumber? Maybe one of the following? “Maybe I should buy some to make homemade pickles.” “They are OK, ...

Celebrate Mother’s Day…REAL FOOD Style!
POSTED: May 2, 2023
Believe it or not, Mother’s Day is less than two weeks away. Are you ready? You may be celebrating your Mom or a special person in your life. Or maybe your family is asking, ...

What is that Alien Looking Vegetable?
POSTED: April 11, 2023
As farmers’ markets are opening all over the country right now, we want to help inspire you with some of the early season vegetables you will be able to enjoy within the next few weeks! ...

Welcome to Asparagus Season!
POSTED: March 28, 2023
Can you guess which vegetable was once proclaimed the “king of vegetables,” can help reduce the risk of birth defects for pregnant women, helps manage PMS symptoms, prevents ...

T-Shirts and Pickles!
POSTED: February 21, 2023
Those things go together, right?! Today they do! First, we want to announce the winners of the Eat Real t-shirts! Thank you for such a wonderful response to last week’s coaching tip! We ...

Is It Against the Law to Enjoy This Canned Veggie All Year Long?
POSTED: October 18, 2022
According to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, 90% of the sales for this canned vegetable (well, technically, it’s a fruit) take place every year during the 4-month period from ...

Use This Strategy When You Find Yourself Asking ‘What’s for Dinner?’
POSTED: October 4, 2022
“What’s for dinner?” We all know a little planning is involved to best answer this question, especially if you are cooking with fresh ingredients and eating at home (which we ...

Are You an Expert in BS?
POSTED: September 20, 2022
“I walk by the butternut squash all the time at the store, but never buy one. I always buy it frozen…using a fresh one is intimidating for me.” “Growing up, my mom never ...

Frozen in Time
POSTED: August 23, 2022
One of the best pleasures of summer? Fresh, flavorful fruits and vegetables! If you eat in-season (which we highly recommend!), then you most likely love this incredible summer ...

Blistered and Charred…and Delicious!
POSTED: July 26, 2022
Have you heard of shishito peppers? What about Padron peppers? Would you believe me if I told you these little peppers are life-changing, with only 3 ingredients and 10 minutes to prepare? ...

Does Variety Matter?
POSTED: June 21, 2022
Do you know someone who eats the same foods over and over, each and every day? Some people may find comfort in this routine. Others would find themselves in the uncomfortable and frustrating ...

Reasons to Add Radishes to Your Routine
POSTED: May 31, 2022
Are you someone who loves the vibrant red crunch of a fresh radish? Or does that distinct peppery radish flavor send you running the other direction? Some people absolutely love ...

It’s Rhubarb Season!
POSTED: May 10, 2022
What do you think of when you hear “rhubarb?” A lot of people say, “I remember my grandma cooking with it” or “Rhubarb pie, of course!” or “I have no idea what to do with ...

Microgreens: Big Benefits in a Small Package!
POSTED: April 5, 2022
Have you ever watched cooking shows or read food magazines and noticed those tiny, vibrant leafy greens that chefs use as the finishing touch on their dishes? They look a little bit like sprouts, ...

Have you Tried This Versatile Veggie?
POSTED: March 22, 2022
Hearts of palm? Have you heard of it? Does it sound exotic and expensive? This unique veggie was foreign to us until several years ago. We were at a restaurant in New York and ordered a Steak ...

Does Color Matter?
POSTED: March 8, 2022
We have all heard the advice: “Eat the Rainbow” Of course, we are NOT talking about the rainbow found in a bag of Skittles or a box of “magically delicious” ...

POSTED: October 5, 2021
What if you could… reduce your risk of colon and rectal cancer by 56% lower your risk of heart disease by 40% help fight obesity, type 2 diabetes and constipation plus more! ...

Now is the Perfect Time to Enjoy this Misunderstood “Veggie!”
POSTED: July 27, 2021
If we asked the question, “what is the one vegetable that you just don’t know what to do with?”, what would you say? So many people respond to us by saying… ...

Use This Simple Formula To Transform Your Veggies
POSTED: July 20, 2021
Do you… love the crisp taste of pickled vegetables, but wish they weren’t quite so salty? Or, do you wish you could avoid the questionable ingredients you see on those jars of ...

Have No Fear…Artichokes Are Here!
POSTED: March 23, 2021
If you enjoy eating with the seasons, one fantastic food about to hit the scene in March is… fresh artichokes! Are you thinking…artichokes are expensive, take too ...

Yes, 10 servings per day is possible!
POSTED: February 9, 2021
What would you say if we told you we are each supposed to be eating 10 servings of fruits and vegetables…daily!? Would you respond by saying, Krista and Zonya, “No way, you all ...

Get to the Root of It!
POSTED: December 1, 2020
What comes to mind when you hear “root vegetables?” Some might say “intimidating” or “I am not even really sure which vegetables make the root vegetable list.” ...

They Look So Pretty, But What do You Do With Them?
POSTED: September 15, 2020
It’s transition time! Now that we are in the last full week of summer, there is an abundance of in-season produce! There is still quite a bit of summer produce available…tomatoes, ...

Turn Onions Into a Flavor Powerhouse!
POSTED: July 28, 2020
Caramelized onions… sounds fancy, right? Chances are, you have enjoyed these sweet, savory, tender onions on a burger, steak or sandwich at a restaurant and thought, “wow, those have great ...

It’s What’s On the Inside That Counts!
POSTED: June 16, 2020
Which would you prefer? A perfectly round flawless tomato? Or, for 30% less money, a tomato with some funky lumps and bumps? Many people tend to avoid the “ugly” produce, even though they are ...

Can Your Pizza Crust Really Help Fight Cancer?
POSTED: April 21, 2020
This is something we continually reinforce to our kids. And, it is something that has had special meaning for us ever since listening to Jimmy Valvano’s inspiring 1993 speech at the ESPYs. ...

Should You Avoid “Nightshade” Vegetables?
POSTED: July 16, 2019
Maybe you have heard someone say… “I can’t eat nightshades because they make my joint pain flare up…or they give me heartburn.” We want to shed some light on this ...

Red, White, And…Yellow?
POSTED: February 26, 2019
What’s the difference between the different varieties of onions? Can they be used interchangeably? Scallions, green onions and spring onions…aren’t they all the same? Many of ...

February Superfood of the Month: Cabbage
POSTED: January 30, 2018
What comes to mind when you hear the word “cabbage?” If all you can think of is coleslaw, you are likely missing out on some truly delicious meals, not to mention the AMAZING nutrition and ...

Salads Aren’t Just For Summer!
POSTED: January 16, 2018
What is the best salad you have ever eaten? Take a second to think about it. You may be thinking of a summer salad with fresh, in-season tomatoes, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, basil and other ...

November Superfood of the Month: Parsnips
POSTED: October 31, 2017
“I am not a carrot!” Yes, a parsnip may look like a carrot, and they are often confused with carrots, but they want you to know they are NOT carrots! However, they ARE now in-season and ...

October Superfood of the Month: Leeks
POSTED: October 3, 2017
We use them routinely now, but there was a time when we had NO idea what leeks were! I have to admit…I used to think leeks were something slimy that came in a jar…I couldn’t have been ...

September Superfood of the Month: Cauliflower
POSTED: August 29, 2017
Some may think of it as a “boring” vegetable. It’s extremely common, colorless, and seems to go hand-in-hand with broccoli. It’s often served plain or boiled…or maybe you ...

Your Guide For Selecting the Best Produce
POSTED: June 13, 2017
We all want to enjoy high-quality produce to get the benefit of the best possible flavor and nutrition. But how? The first tip in picking the best produce? Buy in-season at your local ...

Fight Cancer With Your Fork
POSTED: April 18, 2017
If there was a single group of foods, that has been scientifically shown to help you fight cancer… would you want to know about it? The good news…there is! And, this ...

There is a Sweet Potato in My Toaster
POSTED: February 14, 2017
Last week, we shared some of the 2017 food trends. One of these was “Plant-based everything.” This week, we want to share another example of this. What if we told you that you can turn ...

September Superfood of the Month: Bok Choy
POSTED: August 30, 2016
Cooler temperatures have to be right around the corner…right?! As we transition into Fall, we want to help you take full advantage of some of the cooler-season produce. And, what better ...

June Superfood of the Month: Beets
POSTED: May 31, 2016
If you are not regularly eating this vegetable, there is a long list of reasons why you should start…NOW! We are talking about BEETS! When we talk about beets, we frequently ...

February Superfood of the Month: Sweet Potatoes
POSTED: February 2, 2016
It’s surprising how often we hear people say they don’t like sweet potatoes. When we hear this, the next obvious question is “have you had them other than at Thanksgiving with ...

Betcha Can’t Eat Just One…
POSTED: January 26, 2016
What is one of the most popular snacks in America? You got it…chips! And, there are so many choices to pick from at the store…with all kinds of crazy flavors! Not surprisingly, many chips come ...

January Superfood of the Month: Kale
POSTED: January 5, 2016
How many people do you know have kicked off the new year “dieting” to lose weight? They’ve given up sugar, carbs, fat, grains, meat, you name it…talk about deprivation! We ...

Culinary Magic!
POSTED: November 24, 2015
Do you want to know the secret to making vegetables taste absolutely amazing? Would you like to work a little crazy-easy culinary magic? It’s so simple…put vegetables in the oven and roast them! ...

“I had no idea veggies could taste like that!”
POSTED: May 12, 2015
When I look back on our journey to enjoying more REAL foods, there is a key breakthrough that really stands out. This breakthrough opened up a whole new world for us and is what helped our son ...