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Keep It REAL Coaching Tips

Are You Neophobic?

POSTED: March 5, 2024
What are you afraid of? Maybe it’s arachnophobia (the fear of spiders) or a fierce case of acrophobia (a fear of heights).  There’s another common phobia that we don’t hear much ...

Be a Good Host!

POSTED: February 27, 2024
We’ve all heard, “it’s important to have a healthy gut.” But what EXACTLY does that mean?   And, maybe you have heard people talk about the “microbiome,” ...

You Can Freeze That?!

POSTED: February 20, 2024
We are frequently asked about freezing different foods and meals and, as you can probably imagine, we have stumbled upon several tricks that have left us thinking… “I had no idea you ...

Seafood 101

POSTED: February 13, 2024
Are you intimidated when it comes to seafood? Maybe you are like my in-laws, who love eating fish, but rarely make it at home because of the intimidation factor.  Or maybe you had a bad ...

Ask Us Anything!

POSTED: February 6, 2024
Do you have questions as you progress on your REAL food journey?   Trust us, you’re not alone!   We thought our weekly coaching tips would be the perfect opportunity to ...

Lee’s Inspiring Story!

POSTED: January 30, 2024
Ready for some inspiration? In our December coaching tip Celebrating a Milestone Birthday!, we talked about our goal to share more of YOUR success stories. We are blessed to have seen first-hand ...

Read This Before You Open Your Next Can of Soup!

POSTED: January 23, 2024
Especially this time of year, as we are in the heart of winter, we get the question: “what do you think of canned soups…and is it ok to use recipes that include canned soups like ...

Is Food Culture Controlling Your Kids?

POSTED: January 16, 2024
In the beginning… as a parent, when your baby first starts to eat “real” food and is excited to explore all the new textures and flavors, you may find yourself thinking, ...

Is Your Workplace Conspiring Against You?

POSTED: January 9, 2024
What kind of food culture would someone find if they dropped into your workplace?   Do donuts and bagels make frequent appearances in the breakroom and in meetings? Are there candy dishes ...

How Does Culture Influence Your Food Choices?

POSTED: January 2, 2024
Imagine this… what if you were from outer space and just got dropped off here, landing smack dab in the middle of the country.  After observing everything for a few weeks, your friends back ...