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Tag Archives: seafood

Grocery Store Cheat Sheet

If grocery shopping ever feels overwhelming, rest assured you are not alone. Someone recently told me, “I love the grocery store tours on the website. But when I get to the store, I need a refresher because it gets very overwhelming, very quickly!” She said she would love to have a “what would Krista and […]

Cruisin’ with Santa

Do you remember last year when we met up with Santa in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? He was recruiting more helpers for the North Pole, and we enjoyed catching up over a traditional pasty (thanks to recommendations from our Michigan friends) and a cup of coffee. Well, a few months ago when we shared […]

Seafood 101

Are you intimidated when it comes to seafood? Maybe you are like my in-laws, who love eating fish, but rarely make it at home because of the intimidation factor.  Or maybe you had a bad experience earlier in life that has stayed with you, causing you to think, “I don’t like fish.” We want to […]

How to Dodge Diabetes Deliciously!

Have you or someone you love just been told… “You have prediabetes” (or “you have diabetes”)? Unfortunately, this is currently happening at an alarming rate, and we have had numerous recent encounters with people facing this exact situation.  According to the CDC, almost 12% of the U.S. population has diabetes.  On top of that, 38% of […]

All About Iron!

Do you ever wonder if you are getting enough iron?   Have you been told you need to get more iron in your diet? If so, you’re not alone.   We were doing a cooking demo a couple of weeks ago and one of the participants asked if there were specific things she could do […]

Fruit floating down the river?!

What do Mofongo, star fruit, red snapper, cherries and tiny mangoes all have in common? These are just some of the local and delicious foods we experienced during our trip to Puerto Rico last week! We wanted to share some tidbits from our trip, especially how to enjoy the best of REAL food on the […]

Lower Your Cholesterol with These 3 Foods!

Why is it so important to keep our cholesterol in check?   Heart disease is the number one leading killer for both men and women! Because of this, it’s very important to keep our cholesterol at healthy levels, preferably below 200 mg/dl (preferably below 180).  And even more importantly, keep the lousy LDL cholesterol to […]