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Tag Archives: shopping

And Now…the Rest of the Story…

What did you think of last week’s coaching tip?   Did the numbers or video give you or someone you know a sense of unease?     Last week, we unveiled the first step to making a lasting change in any area of life – having a sense of unease. But having a sense of unease […]

Holiday Survival Plan!

Are you afraid to step on the scale during the holidays?   Are you dreading all the sweets and not-so-healthy dishes that show up every year between Halloween and New Years?   If so, you need a holiday survival plan! Let’s face it, we will be surrounded by all kinds of pound-packing holiday goodies over […]

Grocery Shopping is Nuts!

Do you have a love or hate relationship with grocery shopping?   Did we really just ask that question?! Most people will probably tell you they DREAD grocery shopping!  For some, it is the time involved.  For others, it is the hassle of dragging kids to the store.  And, for just about everyone, even if […]