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No more intimidation…how to enjoy eggplant!

This may be one of the most misunderstood vegetables…or should we say, fruit…

it’s the eggplant!

And, yes, in case you were wondering, the eggplant is a fruit (it is actually a variety of berry), although many treat it as a vegetable in the kitchen.

In our experience, there are not too many eggplant lovers out there.  When we ask people in cooking demos what vegetables intimidate them the most, eggplant is typically in the top 3 (right up there with mushrooms and beets).  Many people say they think it is spongy, chewy, or bitter.  For those who do like it, the most frequent response is…“oh, I love eggplant parmesan!”  Believe it or not, there are lots of other spectacular meals you can make to take advantage of eggplant’s fantastic taste and texture!

My husband and I both grew up thinking we didn’t like eggplant.  When I asked why he didn’t like it, he said, “I never really tried it.  And as a kid, I didn’t like eggs, and it had the word ‘egg’ in it, so I just always thought I didn’t like it.”  Just goes to show how far we have come in learning about REAL food!

Several years ago, we bought one at the farmers’ market because we were intrigued, but definitely still skeptical.  We were like most everyone else.  We perceived it had a spongy texture and bitter taste and that was enough to make us avoid it up to that point.  Let’s just say, all that changed when our taste buds met the Cod Ratatouille Pasta and Mini Eggplant Pizzas!

What’s so special about eggplant?

You may also hear eggplant called aubergine, which is common in parts of Europe.  The eggplant is actually related to the tomato, and originally came from South and East Asia.  Some 18th century varieties resembled goose or hen’s eggs…hence the name “eggplant.”  In many parts of the country, it is in-season from August through October, so now is the perfect time to enjoy it!


Is eggplant good for you?

YES!  Eggplant is a great source of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants.  Much of the nutrition comes from the skin…so don’t peel it!  It also helps your heart health, boosts your immune system, and improves your resistance to a number of diseases.  And one cup only has 20 calories!


Zonya Says:

It is so true that eggplant is awesomely nutritious and creates a wonderful variety when added to the menu.  Although the number is low, it is important to know an estimated 1% of people are sensitive to “nightshade vegetables,” which include eggplant, along with tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.  Those who suffer with arthritis might be among the people that are sensitive.  Check out our coaching tips to read more about controlling arthritis with REAL food and more about nightshade vegetables!


All shapes and sizes — they don’t all look the same!

There are hundreds of different varieties of eggplant…and they are not all purple!  Some of the most popular varieties include:


  • American Eggplant:  this is the dark purple pear-shaped variety we are most familiar with.
  • Chinese Eggplant:  lighter purple and long and skinny, this variety has a thinner skin and tends to be less bitter.
  • Italian Eggplant:  smaller and a little skinnier, these are dark purple and very similar to the American eggplant.
  • Japanese Eggplant:  long and skinny, the Japanese variety has a thin skin and sweeter flavor.
  • White Eggplant:  similar to the Italian eggplant, the white variety has a firmer skin but delicate flavor.
  • Thai Eggplant:  this variety looks like green golf balls.  They come in different colors but are usually mixed with yellow or white.  They can be more bitter than other varieties.


How do you pick it?


  • It should feel firm and heavy for its size.
  • Look for smooth, shiny skin with no blemishes or bruises.
  • The color should be vibrant and the stem and cap should be bright green.
  • Wrinkled, loose skin is an indication of age. (Funny, I guess we have more in common with eggplant than we thought!)
  • To test for ripeness, gently press the skin. If it springs back, it is ripe, but if it leaves an indentation, it is not ready yet.


How to store it?


  • Don’t cut it before storing — it will turn slightly brown like an apple.  TIP:  to reduce the brown and bitterness, you can brush lemon juice on the eggplant slices or place them in a bowl of water with a teaspoon of salt, and soak for 20 minutes.  Rinse, pat dry and proceed with your recipe.  Keep in mind, this soaking step is completely optional.
  • They are best stored in a cool spot away from direct sunlight (the ideal temperature is 50 to 55 degrees).  If you don’t have a cool, dark spot to store them, you can keep them in your fridge (ideally in the crisper) for a few days.  Just be aware that cold temperatures can affect the texture and flavor.
  • Using fresh eggplant within a few days will provide the best results.


What do you do with it?  How do you cook it?

The good news is it’s super-easy to cook!  Simple ways to make eggplant taste great include sautéing, roasting and grilling (with a little olive oil, salt and pepper of course).  When cooked, it has a tender, rich flavor…no spongy bitterness!  It also does a great job absorbing sauces it is cooked in, making it ideal to use in curries, sauces, stews and pasta dishes…among many others!

Try to avoid frying eggplant — it will absorb up to four times as much fat as potatoes when they are fried…this can add significant unnecessary calories to your meal.

Many recipes tell you to slice and salt the eggplant, and then let it sit for a few minutes before cooking.  The idea is that the salt reduces the bitterness, but this steps really isn’t necessary because modern eggplants tend to be less bitter.  We rarely do this.

Check out our video to see why Roasted Eggplant Bruschetta is one of our favorites — especially in the summer!


There are several recipes on Eat REAL America…and, of course, we have our favorites…




We encourage you to challenge yourself and try this under-appreciated veggie (or fruit) in some of these and other delicious meals!


We would love to hear what you do with eggplant and which variety you like best!




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9 Responses to No more intimidation…how to enjoy eggplant!

  1. I hope you will all enjoy this, this was the first recipe I made from this site and I was hooked. Looking forward to your reaction to this dish.

  2. I like the color of eggplant. I think it is beautiful to look at but need to venture out and try other recipes than eggplant parmesan. Maybe grilled veggie sandwich this week!

  3. I learned a lot about eggplant from this article. I have never cooked eggplant and only remember eating it once a long time ago. I don’t remember if I liked it or not, so I am looking forward to trying it in class.

  4. Thanks for the tips! I’ve never had eggplant before, but I’m willing to try it now. It’s a fruit?! Amazing! The cod and pasta ratatouille sounds delicious!

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