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Tag Archives: organic

Grocery Store Cheat Sheet

If grocery shopping ever feels overwhelming, rest assured you are not alone. Someone recently told me, “I love the grocery store tours on the website. But when I get to the store, I need a refresher because it gets very overwhelming, very quickly!” She said she would love to have a “what would Krista and […]

What’s the Story with Soy?

What is your perception of soy?   Do you embrace it as something that is beneficial for your health?   Or is your perception that it should be avoided due to concerns about breast cancer and thyroid issues? If you’re confused and have questions, you’re not alone!  Due to conflicting information, misperceptions, and varying perspectives […]

Ask Us Anything #2!

A few weeks ago, we shared a coaching tip to answer some of the questions we are frequently asked. Thanks to your responses, we are answering some more questions we have been hearing recently.   Let’s dive in!     What do you tell people who say it is too expensive to eat healthy? We […]

The Good Life!

We want to give you something a little different with the coaching tip this week!   As Memorial Day weekend is approaching, we wanted to provide something a little lighter and entertaining!     Last Saturday, I was invited to be a guest on The Good Life radio show with host Guy Bower here in […]

Making This Part of Your Routine Will Change Your Life!

It’s farmers’ market season! Have you fallen in love with the farmers’ market yet? For some, a weekly visit to the local market something is something they look forward to and is part of their routine. Others have told us that going to the farmers’ market feels intimidating and outside their comfort zone. When we […]

“You Are What What You Eat Eats”

In response to our coaching tip last week about “Should you only eat organic?”, an amazing member of our Eat REAL America community requested insights on topics like grass-fed beef, organic milk and free range chicken, and whether it is worth buying organic varieties of canned goods, such as broth, beans, maple syrup and more. […]

Should You Only Eat Organic?

Do you wonder whether you should be eating more organic foods?   Are you confused about what “organic” really means?   If you watched our virtual grocery store tour in the produce section, we mentioned one of the most challenging decisions is whether to buy organic or conventional.  Part of our Eat REAL America mission […]

Let’s Veg Out – Our Virtual Tour of the Produce Section

How much time do you spend in the produce section of the grocery store?   If you are on a REAL food journey, you will likely (AND SHOULD!) spend well over half your time and money here.   There are a rainbow of colors and so many fantastic nutritious and delicious options in this part of the […]