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Tag Archives: tomatoes

Continuing Strong into Fall

We are now past Labor Day weekend, school is well underway, football games have started and most of us have “checked out” of summer mode. We recently heard someone say, “I am looking forward to fall, but am sad the farmers’ market is over.” WHAT?!   As summer winds down, you may also be thinking […]

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Picky eaters. We all know one. Maybe we are one. Or we once were. Almost every single day, we hear “I don’t like _________.”  You can fill in the blank with all kinds of things such as mushrooms, onions, beets, kale, sweet potatoes, seafood, eggplant, Brussels sprouts…the list is long.  But hang on! As adults, […]

Here Today, Gone Tomato!

We all know that flavor-exploding sweetness that comes from a perfectly ripe, freshly-picked tomato. In many parts of the country, juicy delicious summer tomatoes are becoming abundantly available, either from your own garden or from your dedicated local farmers RIGHT NOW!   Just the thought of a fresh juicy tomato can make your mouth water, […]

WARNING: Don’t Eat Cherry Tomatoes!

Believe it or not, this is real advice from some real “nutrition coaches!”   One of our Eat REAL America members shared this story after a meeting she had with her “nutrition coach” where she was reviewing her journal of what she had eaten during the past week.   The nutrition coach saw cherry tomatoes […]

Does Color Matter?

We have all heard the advice:   “Eat the Rainbow”   Of course, we are NOT talking about the rainbow found in a bag of Skittles or a box of “magically delicious” Lucky Charms!  And, let’s face it, color is typically NOT a good thing when it comes to processed foods.  Whenever you see Blue […]