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Tag Archives: pickles

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Picky eaters. We all know one. Maybe we are one. Or we once were. Almost every single day, we hear “I don’t like _________.”  You can fill in the blank with all kinds of things such as mushrooms, onions, beets, kale, sweet potatoes, seafood, eggplant, Brussels sprouts…the list is long.  But hang on! As adults, […]

What’s Your Number?

When you go to the store, what percentage of the food you buy is ultra-processed?   Would it shock you if we told you this number is over 60% for the average American household?   Are you at least a little shocked by this? After all, it is no secret these foods (much of which […]

Cool as a Cucumber!

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a cucumber?   Maybe one of the following?   “Maybe I should buy some to make homemade pickles.” “They are OK, kind of boring, I mean, you can’t do much with them except eat them raw, right?!” “That reminds me, I need to schedule […]

T-Shirts and Pickles!

Those things go together, right?! Today they do! First, we want to announce the winners of the Eat Real t-shirts!  Thank you for such a wonderful response to last week’s coaching tip!  We are so grateful for all of you and are humbled and inspired by all of your comments.  So inspired, in fact, that […]

Where the Magic Happens!

When is the last time you or someone you know said, “I don’t like ________”?   Last month?  Last week?   Maybe it was yesterday, or maybe even earlier today! We are not exaggerating when we say we hear this just about EVERY SINGLE DAY.  And, believe it or not, we totally get it!  We […]

Grocery Store Tour – Vinegars and Dressings

Why all the vinegar choices at the store?   And, what about all those bottled salad dressings…can they be part of a healthy lifestyle?   Continuing our grocery store tours, we want to build on our last segment from the cooking oils section and take a trip to the vinegars and salad dressings sections.   […]