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Tag Archives: dates

Nature’s Candy – Let’s Talk Figs!

What comes to mind when you think of figs? The classic Fig Newton cookie? I don’t know about you, but I used to group figs in the same category as prunes, and I wasn’t sure I liked them.  For what it’s worth, I also used to put dates in this category – holy cow, was […]

No Fail Smoothies

How often do you make smoothies? Do you make the same one over and over, or do you change it up to enjoy different flavor combinations? Smoothies can be a delicious – and nutritious – treat that you can quickly prepare for breakfast, snacks or even dessert.     Whether you are a beginner or […]

You’ve Gotta Try this Satisfying Sweet Treat!

One thing we have learned on our REAL food journey is…   it helps to have bite-size sweet treats easily and readily available.     And, of course, we have also learned that having those unhealthy treats out of the house is also key! What if we told you we discovered a bite-sized sweet treat […]

Bringing 2022 To a Close and Looking Forward to 2023!

With 2023 just a few days away, and everyone anxiously awaiting to announce their “New Year’s Resolutions,” we’d like to FIRST encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the accomplishments you’ve made this past year — and celebrate every single one of them! We have seen more progress this year than ever in […]