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Tag Archives: health

Let’s Talk Health AND Wealth!

Have you ever thought about how the same concepts that help you achieve good health can also help you achieve financial well-being?   Our daughter graduates from college this December and will soon be fully immersed in all kinds of REAL world financial decisions.  (She will be off the payroll!)  And our son, who is […]

Would These 7 Changes Get America Eating Healthier?

Each week, our objective with our Eat REAL America coaching tips is to either inform, inspire or entertain (OK, maybe a little of each!). Occasionally, we also like to include tips that discuss current events and get us all to step back and think (even if it’s just for a minute). This week, we wanted […]

It’s Not Dying You Should Worry About…

Have you ever heard someone say something similar to this: “No one lives forever…I might as well enjoy life while I can!” or “So what if I die a few years early?  It’s worth it to be able to enjoy my donuts and fast food.”       We all have!  But how many people […]

Happy Anniversary!

Time flies when you’re having fun, right?! Believe it or not, we published our very first Eat REAL America weekly meal ideas and coaching tip 8 years ago, in October 2013. My husband and I were reminiscing about everything we have experienced and learned over the last 8 years and thought you might enjoy some […]