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Tag Archives: sugar

Willpower May Not Be Enough!

Have you ever… …opened a bag of chips, promising yourself just one handful, only to realize you’ve eaten half the bag before you even noticed?  Or maybe you told yourself you are going to cut back on sugar, yet find yourself reaching for another cookie despite your best efforts. You’re not alone.   Some foods […]

How to Enjoy Holiday Treats Without Going Overboard

‘Tis the Season! The season with a love/hate relationship for many of us. We love the decorations, the parties, the time with family and friends, the festive music and, of course, the sweet treats! On the other hand, we aren’t so fond of the overindulging that we just can’t seem to resist and the extra […]

Is Food Culture Controlling Your Kids?

In the beginning… as a parent, when your baby first starts to eat “real” food and is excited to explore all the new textures and flavors, you may find yourself thinking, “Wow, I am really rocking this parenting thing – this isn’t so hard, my child will eat almost anything!” Then, the toddler phase hits […]

Welcome to Sweet Treat Season!

Happy Halloween! We hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween adventure this evening, whether it is taking the kids or grandkids trick-or-treating, or staying home and passing out treats and hopefully being entertained by some creative costumes! Of course, there is no shortage of sugar being handed out on Halloween, and that is […]

Can You Really Reprogram Your Taste Buds?

Why do some people crave a burger, fries and soda, while others crave fruits and vegetables? And, is it true that your cravings can actually change to prefer healthy (REAL) food?   What exactly are taste buds? When it comes to food, our preferences are influenced by all five of our senses – sight, smell, […]

Are Sugar Substitutes Safe?

We have all heard about the dangers of artificial sweeteners… …from causing cancer, to disturbing the beneficial bacteria in our guts.  So, it’s easy to see how we can become exasperated by all the conflicting and confusing messages.       Good news!   Not all calorie-free sugar replacers have negative stat sheets!  Yes, according […]

Use This Simple Formula To Transform Your Veggies

Do you… love the crisp taste of pickled vegetables, but wish they weren’t quite so salty?  Or, do you wish you could avoid the questionable ingredients you see on those jars of pickled vegetables? Does the thought of pickling our own vegetables intimidate you?  It did us!  The whole canning process seems difficult to find time […]

Are you surrounded by sugar pushers?

We want to share… …an eye-opening article that caught our attention this week. It was written by Yoni Freedhoff, a Canadian doctor, who discusses how overconsumption of sugar has become a completely normal part of our culture. Let’s face it, the world is one giant candy store and we are surrounded by “sugar-pushers” every single day. […]

Could You Be Eating More Than 1/3 Cup of Added Sugar Every Day?

This probably won’t come as a shock, but sugar has been in the news again this past week.  You are probably thinking…what now? In case you missed it, an investigation has determined that the sugar industry, starting in the 1960s, developed a systematic effort to clear sugar as a contributor to heart disease and point the […]