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Tag Archives: roasting vegetables

Lee’s Inspiring Story of Reversing Pre-Diabetes!

Ready for some inspiration? In our December coaching tip Celebrating a Milestone Birthday!, we talked about our goal to share more of YOUR success stories. We are blessed to have seen first-hand over the past 10 years SO MANY people transform their lives with the power of REAL food.  When we tell these stories in […]

Celebrating a Milestone Birthday!

Can you imagine missing your child’s birthday? With the daily hustle and bustle, you get so busy trying to keep all the balls in the air…and you suddenly realize your precious baby’s birthday was a week ago!   Of course, in reality, this would never happen!  (We all know kids would be reminding you and […]

Could These 4 Simple Seasonings Change Your Life?

We have had several “aha” moments in our REAL food journey. One of the most game-changing moments was learning how to roast vegetables. And, it is not just us — we have seen it first-hand with our family, and in our virtual and in-person programs.  We have literally witnessed lives transformed when people discover how […]

“I had no idea veggies could taste like that!”

When I look back on our journey to enjoying more REAL foods, there is a key breakthrough that really stands out.  This breakthrough opened up a whole new world for us and is what helped our son start eating more vegetables.  What was this monumental moment? ROASTING VEGETABLES!   Yes, it was as simple as […]