Welcome to Eat REAL America, we are so glad you’re here!
The reason we started Eat REAL America is to inspire and motivate people exactly like YOU.
“My doctor wants to put me on medication, I do NOT want to do that and deal with the side effects. I want to figure out how to regain my health RIGHT NOW!”
“I am so confused and fed up! I want to eat healthier but I have no idea where to start or what that even looks like on a day-to-day basis or meal-to-meal basis.”
“I have been making healthier choices but I am stuck in a rut and need new ideas to put some excitement back into the routine!”
Does this sound like you?
Many people perceive that eating healthy is too time-consuming, too expensive, too difficult, too confusing, and that healthy food is boring. We are going to help you realize that these are just myths, not the truth!

The truth is there is one simple solution and it is available to anyone and everyone…EAT REAL FOOD!
Of course, if we are going to tell you the solution is EAT REAL FOOD, we also need to help you figure out what to do with that REAL food, and REAL ingredients, to make it not only healthy, but delicious, affordable, and easy to prepare.
We started Eat REAL America over 10 years ago and now our members have access to over 1,400 recipes, all of which meet these criteria: healthy, delicious, easy-to-prepare and affordable! We have prepared, taste-tested and adapted every single recipe. And the pictures you see have all been taken in our kitchen so you can see exactly what a recipe will look like (no photo editing involved).
As an Eat REAL America member you will receive a weekly e-mail with meal ideas for the week (3 entrees, 3 sides and 2 quick and easy ideas). These will help keep you inspired to enjoy the best in-season ingredients and to celebrate everything from Thanksgiving to Christmas to Fat Tuesday to Cinco de Mayo, and so many more!
If you are new to this REAL food journey, chances are, you are feeling a little overwhelmed. And maybe your cooking skills have room for improvement. We are here to help you gain confidence, give your pantry a makeover, learn our game-changing technique for making ALL vegetables taste delicious, become a planning master, and take advantage of the slow cooker and 2-For-1 meals.
Our Eat REAL America members also receive coaching tip emails from us. These include tips on how to maintain a successful REAL food lifestyle with a variety of tips such as which vegetables best fight cancer to which is the best oil to use. We would love for you to dive in and start reading them now! Since there are many to choose from (there are now over 300!), we want to give you a good starting point and guide you to the ones that will be most helpful as you begin your REAL food journey.
If you are pressed for time, read these coaching tips first:
- What is REAL food? We describe how to focus on REAL food and one of the keys, which is learning how to read ingredient labels.
- Extreme Home Makeover: Pantry Edition. Give your pantry a makeover to set you up for success, which includes basic ingredients to have on hand all the time.
- Essential Tools for Your Kitchen. Check out our practical and favorite kitchen tools and gadgets to make cooking as easy as possible.
- Culinary Magic! Give vegetables a starring role with every meal. We constantly hear people say, “I had no idea vegetables could taste like that!” If you haven’t already, learn the game-changing technique of roasting vegetables.
- What Can a Nobel Prize Winner Teach Us About Healthy Eating? The key to success is planning. Being mindful and mastering the skill of planning ahead will reduce your stress and boost your success exponentially!
Here are a few amazing quick and easy meals, that can be made in 30 minutes or less:
Southwest Stuffed Sweet Potato
Sausage and Vegetable Stir Fry
Then, to set you up for even better success, read these to learn more!
Bring Convenience to Your Kitchen! No more boring leftovers! “Planned over,” or 2-For-1 meals, are the ideal way to add convenience to your routine!
Breakfast of Champions? Break out of the breakfast rut with these fantastic ideas that will leave you thinking “where have these been all my life?”
What’s the Plan? Snacktime Just Got REAL! You can enjoy a variety of healthy and great-tasting snacks to keep you nourished all day long…REAL food style!
How to Enjoy Treats Without Going Overboard. Sweet treats…REAL food style! You can re-program your taste buds that have been hijacked by processed foods and satisfy your sweet tooth with sweet treats made with REAL ingredients. Try the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, Smarty Pants Chocolate Chip Cookies or Harvest Pumpkin Bars and we guarantee your taste buds will thank you!
Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy Bottled Salad Dressings. Kick the bottle to the curb and see how insanely easy it is to make homemade salad dressings!
The Whiter the Bread, The Sooner You’ll Be Dead. Do you feel like you need a chemistry degree to understand which bread is best to buy at the store? See what to look for and why.
Don’t Believe Everything You Think. Are you a picky eater? Do you have picky eaters in your family? Or maybe you are thinking, “there are so many foods I don’t like!” We are here to tell you, it’s all about the flavor and preparation! Before we started this REAL food journey, there were countless foods we “thought” we didn’t like. Until we tried them in different flavor combinations, and believe it or not, now we crave ALL of those foods!
Why We Should All Eat With the Seasons. If you don’t already eat with the seasons, we passionately encourage you to give it a try! Your taste buds, body, and bank account will thank you!
What can you expect to happen on this REAL food journey?
If you commit to focusing on only REAL foods, and REAL ingredients, the ultra processed junk foods will start to find their way out of your routine. You will discover new foods you thought you didn’t like. Your cravings will change and you will find yourself craving healthier foods and your cravings for fast foods and ultra processed foods will decrease (even disappear)! You will feel better! You will have more energy! Your taste buds will be transformed! You will likely lose weight (without feeling deprived)!
Many of our members have been able to discontinue their blood pressure and cholesterol medications and shock their docs! We have also seen members reverse diabetes and hormonal issues, decrease inflammation and improve their arthritis! We guarantee you will be amazed by the results!
All this by simply focusing on REAL FOOD!

You can begin with a website membership and then if you decide to upgrade to our Champion membership level, you will also have access to The Napkin video course that will lead you through 10 life-changing habits…everything you need to know to eat healthy and thrive!
Let’s get started…we can’t wait to hear your success story!
Watch our web tour video so you don’t miss a thing and you will be sure to see everything the website has to offer!